How big is Ryker?
age: 8 mo's
clothing: 6-9 mo's
You have 2 bottom teeth
Finger foods are becoming a think finally. No more gagging. You pick it up, examine it for a second and then it goes straight into your mouth :)
Foods that you love:
sweet potatoes
apple puffs
maple puffs
green peas and rice
I have moved to making your food myself. I can make all your food for 1 week in about 20 minutes. It saves us money and you LOVE your homemade food!
You really examine your food. Its comical how you look at it, taste it and if you like the taste you eat it.
You are sitting up on your own and standing using items to hold onto.
A Day in the Life:
You get where you need to go. You are SO fast. We really have to watch you carefully these days. You are also standing and scaling things. We love it. You love it. You think you are funny when you stand.
Naps are short lasting from 30 minutes to an hour at most. You also go go go go go. It's like you never stop. And we think you need more sleep BUT you don't. :)
You are teething again. 2 more bottom teeth for a total of 4 teeth on the bottom. I can't see that you have any top teeth coming through but I'm not ruling it out.
You play. And play. And we are now able to play with you. Daddy and I get on the ground at your level to play. I love putting you up in the air, up on my knees and throwing you up in the air. You really love crawling over me back and forth after I lay on the ground. It's like I'm your personal play yard :)
Your family loves you:
This month has been the most difficult month by far. You need a lot of attention. More than ever. You fall, get bumps and bruises and well, you get a little frustrated more often when you can't climb over the baby gate for example. We removed our baby gate from between the living room and dining room. You pushed through the gate anyways now that Marley broke it. So you now have free range of the entire living and dining space which makes you pretty happy. That baby gate made you SO mad anyways.
Note from Mom:
Ryker - you love me but dislike me at the same time. This month has been a little aggravating for you. I have to force you to take your tylenol and your naps. But, I think things will get better after you get these teeth in. I love you! You are my baby!! My youngest. The one who gets most of my attention these days. You like me more than daddy at this time but I know that will change :)
Watch Me Grow:
newborn |
1 month |
2 months |
3 months |
4 months |
5 months |
6 months |
7 months |
8 months |