Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Tyler James | 9 years old

 Tyler James  |  9 years old

How big is Tyler?

age: 9
weight: 64 lbs
height: 54 3/4" tall
clothes: 8/10

Favorite Things:

Nintendo DS
Luke Bryan
Play Station
 Hot Wheels
Playing outside
Riding Bikes
Running around with Marley
Cowboy Boots
Cowboy anything
Listening to the radio
Jason Aldean
Country Music
Power Rangers

Favorite Foods:

Protein Bars
Chocolate Shakes
Ice Cream 
Corn Dogs
What you want to be when he grows up:


Things you cannot live without:

Nintendo DS

A day in the life:

You have energy. Lots of Energy.  Bright and early in the morning you wake without needing to stretch or warm up to the family. You love to run around. It's literally the thing that happens when your feet hit the floor. Normally you want to eat first and then watch a little television. Right around the time everyone else is waking up, your ready to hit the back yard at full speed. We love this about you. You are ornery. Very ornery. You have this "my way or the highway" personality. You love running round with Marley and playing with your hot wheels in the dirt. If the existence of dirt disappeared, you would definitely be heart broken. I don't think that will ever happen. Thank goodness. If you aren't absolutely covered from head to toe in scratches, bumps, bruises and dirt...your not living life to the fullest. Your my dirtiest child. My energetic one. Even when you are downright sick or ill you are on full speed ahead. Resting? Nope. Not a day in your life. You are very caring and loving. You love to be told good job. You are my favorite 9 year old.

Watch me grow:

6 Years Old
7 Years Old
8 Years Old
9 Years Old


Happy #9 Tyler Shank

Happy # 9 Tyler Shank

We didn't have a pinterest birthday or a styled birthday (with my pregnancy and Ryker's birth) so we enjoyed a birthday celebration at home. Seems to be our theme this year :)

And Tyler loved every minute of it!

We quickly (I mean as quick as my just had a baby legs could carry me) shopped and shopped wisely. I knew one word that I hear just about every single day that clued me in on what I would load Tyler up on for his birthday this year.

Hot. Wheels. I repeat. Hot. Wheels.

He also really loves Transformers too so we kinda just went with it.

Kale asked Tyler to go take his shower for the night. And when we did we scurried to get everything out on the table, candles lit and ready for the birthday song. FYI - Tyler takes the quickest showers known to man.

 When he came out he was absolutely shocked :) I loved his facial expression as he is always surprised when it comes to his birthday. He isn't the kind of kid that counts down the days. Sometimes, he mentions his birthday during the summer? but usually never around the month of his birth. It's always a really nice surprise to know how much he doesn't expect things. 

Ryker Wayne | 3 months

Ryker Wayne | 3 months

How big is Ryker?

age: 3 months

weight:  13 lbs 1 oz

height: 24.25 in

clothing:  3 mo


You are communicating! You smile at us, coo at us and are trying to talk your baby talk now. You are grabbing our hands and holding tight. We noticed you are also already trying to roll over you little squirt. You get to your side but don't get much further than that. 

You smile a lot. You are finding your hands but frequently punch yourself in the face with them. It's adorable.

You kick your legs like its nobody's business. A blanket doesn't stay on you long when you are having fun and pretending to run. I know once you start really moving, you will move fast!

A Day In The Life:

Nursing is o.k. You are very hungry. Mommy has tried to maintain a good supply for you but you are still hungry even after nursing. We have consulted with lactation and each time you hit a growth spurt, my supply just isn't enough. My body should get the signal to produce more but unfortunately it is not. We are supplementing with supplemental formula but just an ounce each feeding. You are eating around 4 oz and mommy is producing around 3. We are hoping that my body will catch up but until then we do what we can to keep you full and happy.
Lactation told mommy that in order to get my supply back I will have to wake every few hours during the night to pump. We will do this and see how things go. I was also told to pump after nursing you and see if my supply will increase.

You sleep very well during the night. You sleep around 8 hours if not more. 
You play and play and play. You are a very happy baby. You wake around 7am and play all morning after nursing. Then you take around 4 naps. Your naps are around 30- 45 minutes each time except in the late afternoon. That nap usually lasts around 1.5 hours. Then you wake right at supper time and hit the sack again around 8. You normally wake from that nap around 10, eat and fall back asleep for the night. We are happy you sleep through the night.

We introduced you to baby food for the first time at 3.5 months. You were not ready yet. You spit up for the first time after just a few bites of rice cereal. After talking to your pediatrician, we all decided we would wait another month.

Your Family Loves You:

Colten remains the best big brother ever. If Kale is not here, he cares for you a lot to allow mommy to take care of your sister and brother. He takes a LOT of selfies with you and I think it's incredible how much he loves you.

Morgan is starting to get to where she hears you playing and she wants to join. She will lay on the floor next to you and you two will talk to each other and play. She loves you a lot. She just knows you can't run and jump like her. She gets bored easily and takes off for her toys.

Tyler is also becoming a fan of yours. He is starting to realize you can communicate back to him. So he is starting to hover above you, talk to you and hold your hands. You two laugh and laugh and its adorable.

Daddy likes to help mommy care for you. I think it's a guy thing but when daddy watches television after a long day of work, you are right there beside him. He is starting to fill you in on sports already. He thinks its hilarious to tell you all about the latest bleacher report updates. He can't wait until you are big enough to play football. I think he has already determined that you will play football. I think its cute.

Note From Mom:
Ryker, you continue to amaze me with your smile everyday. I can't believe how much of a ham you are. Your smiles are BIG. Your hugs are bigger. I'm still so blessed each and every day with what the Lord has given me. You are my last baby so I am soaking in all of your snuggles and warmth. I lay with you for hours in my bed just staring at you in disbelief. You are BEAUTIFUL.

This month we did a little session with your sister. It was adorable. Here are the pics:



2 months

3 months

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

K & S {4 Years}


Another year, more memories and another kiddo. Year 4 has already been absolutely amazing :)

 We had Colten do our session photo taking for us. He did pretty well. Some settings were changed and the color for the pics was terrible but for a 12 year old with no experience...he did PERFECT.

Here is our little funny anniversary session.... and we laughed the entire time

Kale and I both are looking forward to renewing our vows to each other on our 5th year of marriage :)

~ Our Shank Family

Merry Christmas 2014

Merry Christmas 2014!! Our Savior Was Born!

What a wonderful day it was. The kids woke up and scurried as fast as their little legs would carry them to the family room. With much surprise, their gifts were indeed under the tree (they always are but the kids are shocked every.single. time). Stockings were full. All 3 went into a frenzy but I'll spare you the 101 facial expressions of Christmas this year :)

It was a fun filled day to say the least.

What we loved most about this Holiday Season was being together under the same roof to share in this day!

We took around 30 shots to get this photo! Each shot has the baby screaming, Morgan looking the other way or something. I was very surprised upon uploading these images that we got this photo. What a great day :)

Who needs mistletoe? Apparently...not us!

Our 4 Loves!

We celebrated with a "Christmas" dinner (which is always exactly like Thanksgiving dinner) every year. Our favorite foods all together in one sitting. We ate like it was nobody's business.

Then we enjoyed Christmas movies and games. Parents lost in the Beat The Parents Game but ha! It was so much fun!

At the end of the night (forgetting to fire my flash of course) I caught a few pics of our youngest ones loving on daddy. Ryker was exhausted at the end of the day that he yawned at every opportunity given. Especially when we tried showing him shiny light and ornaments :)

~ Our Shank Family

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