Wednesday, May 11, 2011

The Rest of The Update


Last year during the rainy season our basement flooded. At first we never saw the water. It was sneaky! I remember telling Kale several days in a row that stuff in the basement was getting knocked over. We kept thinking that there was no way an animal large enough to knock things over got into our basement. Then one day I had a basket of laundry on top of a cooler. I noticed it had been knocked over. I was so irritated I blamed Kale. He swore it wasn't him. Then I was at work and he called me and told me that the basement was flooded.

Well low and behold it happened again. Kale was able to break away the concrete and make us a new hole and replaced the sump. This problem isn't exactly resolved but it is fixed for now.

Later down the road I noticed water leaking from underneath the dishwasher. Kale took a look and figured out that it wasn't coming from the dishwasher, it was a leaky pipe underneath the kitchen sink. So he was able to fix that as well.

A week ago Kale noticed that our drywall in our upstairs bathroom was wet. He turned into an investigator again. He said water was leaking from underneath the flashing on top of the roof where the old chimney was. Then we discovered it was also leaking down to the boys bathroom right above there shower. He just got through fixing all that yesterday. Poor guy!!!

Kale has become quite the Mr. Fix it!!

Welcome to Owning your Own Home I guess !

On the bright side of things, Kale has officially finished our garden in the front yard which half dies when snow hits. We added some more rose bushes and some annuals. It looks great. Kale did a great job.


Both Colten and Tyler continue to do very well in baseball. Colten is getting better at learning the game. He is recognizing when to run to the ball and when to stay on base and receive it instead. He is also batting better than ever. He hit a home run the last game. Then he hit a double. He also had an assisted out.

Tyler is getting better at paying attention to the game. Kale says he likes to lolly gag :) But he hits well and runs well. He either gets confused and doesn't run at all from base to base when someone else bats or he over does it and runs too far putting two himself and another player on the same base. It's so darn cute though!


Kale and the kids snuck off without me for gift buying. Kale took the kids to the mall on the hunt for perfume. I have mentioned a few times that I am in need of a nice bottle of perfume for our "dates". Kale was telling me that when he was in the mall and walked past Victoria's Secret Tyler covered his eyes and told daddy that there were fake naked women and he's not supposed to look. I wish I could have been there to see Kale's face. So that was a nice thoughtful gift from Kale and the boys. I also got a card that was recordable with the kids telling me Happy Mother's Day. So Sweet!! We then took off for a bike ride. Kale says we were riding for at least 6 or 7 miles. My butt hurt so bad from my new bike when we were done. And we all got sunburns. But it was worth it!


We haven't heard anything new on the adoption yet. I know we got the consent from the biological father already. I am guessing that this is a waiting game for a court date to finalize the paperwork. I can't wait to sign the new birth certificate with Kale.


We are doing o.k. as a family. We are working on each other at the moment when it comes to our parenting skills. Kale is there for me when I need it and I am there for him. We both need reminders from time to time when it comes to certain things. We usually tend to balance each other. The kids are good too. We have made a lot of progress when it comes to the kids, rules, discipline, and just learning from each other. There are so many dynamics to raising a family and being a "new" mom recovering from addiction and learning to cope and deal with kids and life, also Kale's new at this family thing as well. We are growing together and I hope that we continue to get closer and stronger as a family. Colten is almost finished with 3rd grade and Tyler is headed off to Kindergarten next year. Tyler's ADHD is finally under control with new meds. We went through some tough times getting the medication and dose right for Tyler's needs. I pray constantly that he will outgrow this and not have to be on medication for life. Kale and I are eventually going to have to learn about teaching Tyler to control certain parts of his disorder so that he does have the chance to come off the meds eventually.


Well as I mentioned I have finished this semester in school successfully. Not very happy with the C but I will take a passing grade over a non-passing grade any day. I have decided to take this summer off school and next semester as well just because the baby is due late November/ early December. Not sure when my Doctor will want to perform my Cesarean. I have two classes to take before I can enroll in the nursing program. After I enroll I will have nursing school for 1 year to become an LPN. Then I plan on signing on with a hospital to bridge over to my RN. At least that way I will have less student loans to pay for and a hospital contract giving me an automatic RN position. We haven't really worked out all the fine print but we will when the time comes.

I currently have a few applications out for Home Health Aide and Patient Care Tech. I am hoping with a little luck I can score one of these jobs. I would be able to work for a little while before having the baby.


We are happy to say that Colten will finally get to enjoy a family vacation with us. We have arranged for him to be with us at Lake Powell. I say "arrange" but we got lucky with vacation being before baseball season ends. Then he will be flying to Texas to spend the summer with his dad. We are working on things as far as him being able to spend more time with the rest of our family such as Grandpa and Grandma Weycker, Pekarek, and Shank. We are hoping in the future we can spend more time with our family members having Colten with us. With the visitation to see his dad it has been hard missing him during Christmas and summer trips. We are praying that in the future we can plan ahead a little more and work things out so he can be with us and our families more.

Other than all this we are happy and loving life as usual. We love you and miss you all.

1 comment :

  1. I hope you don't have any more leaks!! Send Kale our way because you know how daddy is with plumbing! I love reading about those beautiful boys and your wonderful new life! You deserve it! We love you very much and keep you in our prayers daily!

    Love ya,
    Mom and Dad Pekarek


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