Tuesday, May 24, 2011

My Plum- Baby Shank 12 Weeks

Mommy Update:

12 Weeks Pregnant

Weight: Well I had gained 3 pounds last month and now it's gone. I went to the Doctor's yesterday and they said that I was back at my original weight at 8 weeks pregnant. Where did it go? I know it's somewhere because I definitely feel bigger!

How am I feeling: Well, I don't feel sick or overly tired anymore. But I have been hitting the sack early. I just can't swing 10 o'clock anymore. Anytime I do anything such as cleaning, laundry, shopping or time with kids I feel exhausted. I am ready for bed at 6!!!

I also experience some very uncomfortable back pain this week. I got nervous and called it in to my Doctor. She said not to worry. The reason for the pain basically is because I am so active now. I was so sick for so long not really mopping and doing heavy cleaning around the house. I spent HOURS sweeping, mopping, dusting and just really getting my house clean the other day. The result was some back pain. My Doctor told me to slow down and rest.

Maternity Clothes: I already gave you the scoop on that bit. Ugh! But I am o.k. now. I was actually wearing a pair of capris from pre-pregnancy and all day I went from unbuttoning them to buttoning them back. Then buttoning and then unbuttoning. You get the point. I have now decided to turn 2 pairs of capris and two pairs of shorts into maternity wear myself. I saw a video on the "How To" using an old Jersey Tank. I will have to post the results. Hopefully it all works out. The maternity tanks I bought are just stretchy huge and the pants are adorable but they make me look  funny. So, old clothes turned maternity will be fun until I fill out the pants a little better.

Sleep: I am beginning to pop out and so when I sleep on my stomach it feels like I have a little ball underneath my tummy. This is starting to get uncomfortable. So I am starting to sleep halfway on my side and halfway on my tummy.

Movement: Not yet but I am waiting for it..My friends keep asking me about movement :) I don't remember feeling anything until about 4 months with my others so I guess we will see.

Best Moment this week:  Laying around with Kale talking about Baby Shank. Having him rub my belly and say hi to the baby!

What I miss: I miss eating a full plate of food! I am finding that I have to eat little things here and there. My portions are getting smaller but I am eating more frequently. Just today I made myself an awesome ham, cheese, lettuce and tomato sand which with provolone. I ate the whole sand which and just a few minutes later felt as if I had eaten 3. Not a good feeling. So, again I have to remind myself small portions!

What I am looking forward to: I am looking forward to seeing baby again on ultrasound. I have an appointment for the 26th of May to get some testing done. When I go they will do an anatomy ultrasound. I can't wait to see Baby Shank again!!!

Milestone: Went yesterday to meet my Doctor finally. While I am in exam room and Kale is on my cell, she let us hear baby's heartbeat again. Everything got silent in the room and on the phone really quick. I think Kale and I are taking these moments in every chance we get. This is such an amazing experience for both of us. I was overjoyed to hear our little one. I can't wait to see him/ her again!!

Welcome to my second Trimester!! FINALLY!

Baby Shank Update:  My Baby Appointment

So baby is healthy. Baby Shank's heart rate is still great.I didn't get a count because it was on Doppler. She recorded the BPM but didn't tell me what it was. She said he was healthy. My Doctor pushed around on my belly a bit. And we talked a little about the do's and dont's. It's my third but new studies and things of that nature are always nice to know about.

Kale and I have  been discussing arrangements for when baby does arrive. I have help from the grandparents which I am so thankful for. Kale thinks that if I can deliver naturally that I should. I have had two cesareans and it's not fun. I can't really walk around much for the first week. I definitely can't walk down the stairs of our home. I won't be able to take the kiddos to and from school. I won't be able to clean or cook for a week or two. I will be on pain meds for a few weeks. It hurts! Did I mention it hurts? So is a natural delivery in our future? I don't really know yet. It was one of the questions I had for my Doctor that I forgot to ask. Colten was an emergency c-section. Tyler was a choice. I chose to have him c-section just because I feared going through the pain for so long again like I did with Colten. It's scary to be in pain for so long and experience what I did with Colten that I chose to have surgery with Tyler knowing it would hurt but it was an in and out. So the next time I go I will find out. They have on my paperwork that I will be a cesarean delivery so I am not sure if it's possible for me to have a natural birth. I am actually terrified of delivering naturally. I have heard some crazy stories. But with Kale by my side making all these decisions with me, I will ask. He thinks it will be much better for me to be mobile after the birth instead of helpless really. Cause that's what I will be for a little while. I guess we will have to see.

Daddy Update:

Kale remains supportive every day. I am so blessed to have him by my side throughout this entire pregnancy. I wasn't so fortunate in the past. I count my blessings every day!

He also continues to wash dishes even though he doesn't like to. I am so proud of him for taking on so much with my mood swings and all.

He still says hi to baby every once in a while. He got a little squeamish the other day because baby is starting to stick out of my belly when I lie down. It's this little ball of cuteness!! But yes when it's not your tummy I guess it can feel a little weird. I am interested in how he will react when baby kicks him in the back when we snuggle. That will be funny.

He is going to be such a good new daddy. We have been discussing a lot of things lately about baby. Talking from time to time about the delivery, after baby arrives and things like that. We still have so much planning and talking to do.

He will be with me the next appointment to see Baby Shank. I can't wait!

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