Monday, June 2, 2014

My Avocado {16 weeks}

16 weeks with Baby Shank

Thanks so my kiddo (tyler) for taking my belly pic! 

Baby Update:

We had another appointment this morning. Baby is measuring just right and a great heart beat of 156 bpm!!

Lots of movement but very few little kicks. The movement I am feeling is like a tennis ball rolling around inside all over the place. At first I thought it may be a contraction coming on so I would go lay down and just sit still. Sure's little Shank moving around in there. Every once in a while I will fill little kicks. Its humorous because I really have to be still to feel them. Usually, he decides to kick while I'm laying down. I have even been awoken in the morning with baby moving around.

Mommy Update:

Weight Gain: +7 lbs

I have had some trouble getting weight on this past month. I lost 5 pounds and then continued to lose weight. I never went below 130 lbs or anything but for the life of me...I couldn't gain. Around 2 weeks ago I started putting on weight like crazy. I was actually excited given that I am pregnant! I've been eating natural foods only with the occasional snack attack here and there.

Maternity Clothes: Um HELLO! Do you see that bump already! Yes. Maternity clothes for my bottoms and regular shirts as tops. I still love wearing my yoga pants when I'm at home though.

My favorite moment: feeling baby kicks at 4am. Not anything strong but it still woke me up. I was so excited...I woke kale. Yep. He didn't mind at all. Even though I can even barely feel them, he was still excited.

I really miss: not really anything. My glowing skin is back. I've invested in some self-tanner. I love this stage of pregnancy!

Cravings: Not really anything that stands out. Sweet tooth is gone. Loving food. Have had a snack attack for a salad. Not sure what it is called but here are the ingredients:

Spinach Leaves
Roasted Walnuts
Goat Cheese Crumbles
Thinly Sliced Golden Delicious Apples
Extra Virgin Olive Oil Honey Dressing


I've also not taken prenatal for a little over a month due to the nausea thats caused by them. I've switched brands, taken prescription from doctor...nothing keeps me from vomiting. So I've had to start eating NOTHING but fruits, vegetables (green veggies mostly like Spinach Leaves) and lots of red meat. Things that are super rich in Iron and Calcium. My doctor says its fine as long as I stick to the foods I need. I currently take a folic acid supplement.

Sleep: My body has an insane timer going on right now. Awake every morning around 5 am. Stinks really especially on the weekends when I want to sleep in with everyone else.

Daddy Update:

Daddy Shank is doing good. We have find out gender. It's been an ongoing debate. Since I have to have a c-section..he wins this battle! We are both thrilled to go fill out our baby registry :)

He is a good help around the house. Keeping things light for this mama to be. We all know I'm fully capable but don't tell Kale!!

He is a sucker for keeping me off my feet. I love that about him.

We are looking forward to finding out gender and having a little photo shoot for baby shank! 

~ The Shank Family

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