Tuesday, April 12, 2011

My Newest Love

Well, for about a year, I have been eagerly wishing for a new sewing machine. On my birthday and Christmas last year I hinted to Kale that I really wanted a new sewing machine. I have been wanting to make curtains for our house since we moved in. Tyler's room could use some new fabric decor along with his remodel. I thought a sewing machine would be great right now. I have some experience when it comes to sewing but not much so this should be interesting.

About a month ago, Kale and I split the cost of my new sewing machine. I was so excited.

I haven't used it yet. We spent what we had set aside for the sewing machine and I couldn't buy the things to go with it. So, a little surprise from my mom came in really handy...

I just got this in the mail..Its got basically everything I need to get started with my sewing adventures! I call them adventures because the only things I have sewn in the past are:
  1. Boxers in some sewing class in high school
  2. Curtains for my bedroom
  3. Made a summer dress once for myself
  4. A blanket
I believe that's about it. So this should be fun and interesting...

I am hoping that before the baby comes along, I can sew well enough to make the babies crib bumper, sheet, and blanket. I found some adorable (girl) and adorable (boy) fabric at JoAnn Fabrics. I can't wait!

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