Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Easter Sunday @ The Shanks

Happy Easter!!

We had a great Easter this year with the boys! We had a lot of fun filled projects, lots of candy, and special treats for the boys.

My 64 cent Easter Basket! I used a box I purchased at Walmart for 64 cents. The rest of the items such as the glue, construction paper, marker, and staples I already had at home. What a neat but inexpensive do-it-yourself. I needed something big enough to fit all the surprises in as well. This was the perfect basket. It was fun to make and so easy. I just had to bring out my creative side.

The boys enjoyed getting a little something extra for Easter this year. Instead of the usual "just candy", we decided to buy them something they would enjoy after the candy was gone.

Colten was in need of a bigger baseball glove. So we purchased him a new 12.5" baseball glove for his baseball season. It fits him perfect and will allow him to catch more baseballs than his other glove would.

Tyler is in love with Toy Story's Woody (the cowboy). We always hear him playing in his bedroom reciting the movie as an actor. I found a belt with two gun holsters and pistols. It closely resembles the one the "Woody" has from Toy Story. Tyler loves his new Guns.

We also made Easter Egg Pizza and Easter Bunny Cupcakes Courtesy of FamilyFun.com

The goal was to make pizza the shape of an Egg and decorate it the way you would if it were an Easter Egg.





These Pizzas were actually very good. The crust was made from buttermilk biscuit dough. Then we just chose our own toppings and decorated our Pizza. Good Eats!

Recipe found here.

For Desert:

We created Easter Bunny Cupcakes. This was a ton of fun. The kids decorated their own bunnies. Then we ate them. The coconut made the bunnies look really fluffy. Not everyone likes coconut so Kale ate a plain confetti cupcake with cream cheese frosting.

Sharin's Bunny

Tyler's Bunny

Colten's Bunny

These bunny cupcakes were delicious.
Full Recipe found here.

Peanut Butter Lovers

Home Made Peanut Butter Cups

I had originally found a recipe for homemade peanut butter cups. I couldn't find it on the internet when I went to make them. So I created my own recipe:

12 tablespoons of peanut butter
1/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips
Paper Baking Cups

I mixed the peanut butter and powdered sugar together
Melted the chocolate chips
Set the baking cups on plate and coated the bottoms with melted chocolate
Put in Freezer to harden
Put about 1 tablespoons peanut butter on top of hardened chocolate
then covered the peanut butter with chocolate and put back in freezer to harden.

Easter was a lot of fun this year. The boys are at the age where doing projects like these are easy for them. They both love to help me cook, so creating their own pizza and cupcakes were a lot of fun for both of them. Colten slipped his baseball glove on several times throughout the day. Tyler had daddy help him with his guns ( we forgot to purchase the caps that go with). I am glad we didn't now. I think we would have developed a headache from listening to them pop.

Well, Happy Easter!!

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