Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Away for the Holidays

 { December 23, 2011 }

Merry Christmas Colten

Each year our Colten goes away for the Holidays to his dads in Texas. Sad to see him go but glad to know he's having fun.

The night before he left out, he couldn't sleep. We were both up till around 2am talking and hugging. It was nice to spend some mommy-son time with Colten. He's getting older and more independent now. So this was nice for me.

I did get a few pictures of him with my cell the night before he left. And gave him a gift that I had been hiding since Grandma Tami was in town. 

How it went down:

Grandma Tami, Colten, Morgan and I were in Schnucks grocery store shopping. Colten came across the book Diary of a Wimpy Kid - cabin fever. So I sent Colten down the isle to grab shampoo and sent Tami, the book and my credit card to the check out counter. She snagged this book for me to give to Colten. Colten is sneaky though. He knew I had gotten him this book that day. HaHa kids!! Can't keep secrets from them these days. 

So Colten was happy with his new book. I even wrote him a short message, signed and dated the inside page. 

We will miss him while he is gone.

1 comment :

  1. Zachary had this book down on his list this year as well. He loves the whole series of books. Love the way you bought it and sorry Colten is so smart and had it all figured out. lol


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