Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Honeydew - 34 Weeks

34 Weeks Pregnant with Ladybug

Ladybug Update:

Ladybug is still very active. She isn't able to jump around anymore. Now all I see are knees, elbows, and feet. It's so very uncomfortable when she does decide to stretch out. She has started to kick me in the ribs. I was waiting for this. And boy does it hurt.

Her heart rate was at 130 BPM at my last appointment (a week ago) and my belly measurement was within normal range. I went through a phase where baby wasn't as big as she was supposed to be for the month of pregnancy I was in. Well, she has hit  a growth spurt finally and is within normal range now. So that is very good.

Right now we only have 5 weeks and 1 day until we meet our Ladybug!

Mommy Update:

Weight Gain: I have gained another 3.4 pounds. So my weight gain so far is right at 25 pounds. The weight has caused my legs to tire more easily. I've noticed that walking upstairs I have to stop and rest for just a second. But I'm on track and healthy. So grow baby grow!

Welcome aboard heartburn! Heartburn is also killing me during this trimester. I have never had heartburn this bad before. I don't know what the deal is but I am loving the Tums smoothies. They aren't as bad as the regular tums. Thank goodness. I can't stand the taste of a chalk tablet.

Everything hurts! I mean everything. I'm just hurting. This pregnancy was pretty o.k. for a long time. I am now at the point where I just have to go lay down throughout the day. The back pain and leg pain is killer. My ribs hurt too. I will make it through. Not very much longer!

I have just recently gotten to the point of almost not being able to put my own shoes on. I can but it's difficult. Last Sunday before church I went to put a shoe on and fell backwards on the bed. I couldn't help but to laugh at myself. I called Kale in to put my shoes on for me. It was truly a priceless moment. He laughed, I laughed. It was just funny.

I am really dreading this upcoming surgery. Colten's c-section wasn't that bad. Tyler's was terrible! I am hoping that this pattern doesn't continue ( as there is no way of me knowing anyways ). I am really hoping for less pain and a better recovery. With our family and Kale being there to help me so much, I might be able to recover a little smoother than I did with Tyler. I still fear the surgery though.

My first c-section with Colten, I was knocked out. I had no clue what was going on. I didn't really have all that much pain afterwards either. With Tyler, I went into the hospital also not knowing what would go on. Then they explained a lot to me. The "drill". I was o.k. with it all because I had never experienced this before either. They pulled out the big needle and I thought I was going to die. I took it like a champ and before I knew it Tyler was born. But I remember every detail of his birth. That's the problem now. I am going in for a c-section knowing what they are going to do, remembering that very large needle, remembering the actual c-section, and knowing that when Ladybug is born all I will be able to move are my arms. I remember the 3 days I spent in the hospital too. The pain. The IV Pain Pump. I remember being so medicated I could barely hold Tyler by myself. I was so scared of dropping him. I just remember so many details and every move the nurses made. I'm terrified really. I almost want to ask my Doctor to knock me out so I don't have to experience this. But, if I do that, then I won't be able to see my beautiful baby girl when she enters our world. I definitely don't want that either! So I guess I will have to put on my big girl pants and hope for the best with this surgery. (I am sure this won't be the last time this fear shows up in my blog posts).

I love that I have so many family members and friends supporting us. I am so very thankful for each and every one of you as well!

Daddy Update:

Daddy Shank is still dealing with his preggo wife. The ups and downs. The mood swings. The naps. The sleepless nights.

He also has been doing a lot around the house as well. Hanging Ladybug's curtains for me. Moving furniture. Helping me out with kids, cooking, and cleaning.

He is a champ too! I know living with me is sometimes hard. Plus I'm pregnant so go figure! I love him so much though. He has been my rock throughout this pregnancy. I'm thankful that I have such a great man taking care of me.

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