Wednesday, October 26, 2011

#24 Ladybug's Baby Shower

The Shank baby shower was this last Sunday. I got to spend some time with the girls from my Bible Study group (F3) and my girlfriend Beth. Along with that I got to see a good friend, Dodie, who I haven't seen in months!

The baby shower was cute.

Some memories of the day:

Adorable Ladybug cake ( Thank you Beth!!!!)

The preggo stare down

The whole gang

Beth blowing up balloons for the bash

Me and my girl Beth

Testing out Janet's (Bible Study leader) recliner

Why the face? Well, when I first looked at this frame I thought cute. It took me a minute to realize that one of the photos was not a dummy photo. I looked down and noticed that a picture of my unborn daughter was in the frame. It took me by surprise and I wanted to cry sitting there looking at how precious this miracle is. For a moment in time ( whether she realized it or not) my girlfriend Beth brought back such an awesome memory for me !!! It's when I found out I was having a little baby girl!

A Closer Look: 

It's Ladybug!!

This day was filled with presents, cake, and good friends! I am so blessed!

1 comment :

  1. I was honored and proud that I was able to share and make this a special day for you. I'm so glad that everything turned out great. I can't wait to meet Ladybug. :-)


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