Saturday, October 15, 2011

#9 - Pick out material for curtains and make myself

Task complete. Sheesh. All this sewing is killing my back! But it's totally worth every minute.

I started out viewing Pottery Barn Kids Curtains for this idea. It's sort of like "THE LOOK FOR LESS"

The idea:

bright pink polka dot curtains

with butterfly sheers

I did the best I could with what I had and was able to come up with beautiful curtains similar to the ones I loved from PBK.

Mommy made these curtains for her little Ladybug and daddy got the pleasure of hanging her curtain rod.

An exhausting but well worth the effort kind of day!

The only problem I had with these was the sheer material bunched up on me. I am not really worried about it at this point but might go back and try to fix this later!

 I might go back and add some more detail to these. Not sure. Right now my goal is to at least get everything made for Ladybug. Then I can go back later and add small details.

I'm happy with the curtains and Kale thinks they are adorable. He also appreciates the money savings by mommy creating these herself.

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