Wednesday, February 8, 2012

2012 - Changes in the making

Your children need your presence more than your presents.  ~Jesse Jackson

2012 - A NEW YEAR

2011 was a great year. We are so blessed between family, friends, and all that the Lord has given to us. We would really like to honor and glorify Him by bettering the relationship we have with our children and each other. Making more time for each other as a family. Giving to them emotionally and spiritually rather than materially.

Kale and I have done a LOT of thinking lately. With the new baby here, two boys, and a marriage that we want to last a lifetime we are constantly thinking of ways to make for happier days in our 

Some ideas might be far fetched. Some ideas might not work. And some ideas might be genius. I guess throughout this year we will have to give our ideas a try along with the usual routine of life!

The Baby:

We didn't exactly include Morgan in on this talk. But we love her and will definitely keep her in mind in the future.


Our Boys:

One thing our boys are really into - electronics! Just to name a few
- the wii
- handheld nintendo/ playstation
- television

It wasn't on purpose that we got our kiddos hooked on these devices. We sort of went with the flow. I remember sometime last year canceling our cable. Yes. We were without cable ( on purpose ) for several months. Our boys were basically forced to become active and not watch so much T.V. They were so hooked on cartoons that watching t.v was basically all they did. I started getting angry about this. So, I did what any mom would do. GOT RID OF IT. Problem solved.

Well, we decided before baby was born that we would get our cable hooked up. I needed something to do while recovering from surgery other than staring at the ceiling. Now the { watching too much t.v } problem is back. Instead of doing chores and homework - I catch the boys plopped down in front of the t.v.!

change #1

T.V. limited to a certain time each day. Also a time limit they get to watch t.v.


Also, I don't see much productivity in my house when it comes to the boys. They don't like to do much other than constantly ask if they can play the wii. I am currently contemplating selling the wii. I think it's sad that a 6 year old and 9 year old want to play the wii over almost anything else. We also have the problem of the boys constantly wanting new wii games. And if the boys have money to spend - this is where it goes.

change #2

{ Sell the wii }

This just depends on the boys. 

It will be very upsetting to the boys, but I don't want to raise couch potatoes! 


I know Colten is in love with his nintendo ds. We also went to the lengths of buying Tyler a nintendo ds for Christmas this year. I got tired of hearing Colten and Tyler argue over Colten's nintendo ds. Or Colten would allow Tyler to play with his ds and then a minute later snatch it from Tyler. This caused a huge knock-down drag-out fist fight that I really could use without on a daily basis. The funny part about this problem - Tyler broke his new Nintendo ds 3 days after getting it for Christmas! Total waste of money.

change #3

I don't want to sell these items but maybe we could limit their use to road trips or trips into town. They can play these while in the car. I might also give it a try as a quiet time when I need it.


Going with all the above...The boys really aren't all that interested in getting out. We have to drag them to do things. I really want my kids to ask me if I can take them to the park vs asking me if they can watch t.v.or play the wii. On our part as parents...I think Kale and I need to make this option available more often. Maybe making up a schedule during the week on who ( Kale and/or Sharin ) will do something with the kids. This is going to be tough as Kale and I both work, cook supper, clean, help with homework, switch baby duties, and have work-out routines together. I can see us needing to put the kids first in this department especially. Thirty-minutes a day won't kill our schedule. 

Instead of trying to buy our children's happiness with material possessions - we need to make them happy by giving them our time. ~MP

change #4

Do more with the kids. Get them outside! Go and do things that don't require batteries or electricity!


Sharin & Kale:

Oh where to begin. 

I want a marriage that lasts a lifetime.  I will keep our personal life out of this post, however , many changes that we have been discussing ( that are blog suited) come to mind.


Dating each other more. After Morgan we really haven't gone on any dates. We didn't even really go on an anniversary date. I think this is called for. Just because we have kids doesn't mean we can't make DATE NIGHT work. It will work and we will have to adjust to the new sitter fees involved. Pricey but we need to find a way to make it work.

change #1

Making a date night at least once a month


Giving our time to the Lord. We do go to church. But inside our home does the Lord exist in our words and actions? It seems He does not. I have issues with profanity. Kale likes to get worked up over silly things the boys do. We also go in and out of praying together and doing our devotionals. I would really love to change this beginning now!

change #2

Spending time with the Lord. Growing in our spirituality. Not letting our favorite 9pm t.v. show come first!


Kale and I have also been discussing teaching the boys to give. Giving feels so much better than receiving. The boys constantly want, want, want. Kids live what they learn. This would be a great year to show gratitude for all the blessings we have in our lives. I think if Kale and I also get involved within our community the boys will see and want to help.

change #3

Helping out within our community.


This is a good start to some changes we would like to see happen as a family this year. I will probably do an update at least every 3 months. We can refer back to this post and see what progress we have made.

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