*****{ STATS }*****
9. 5 pounds
21. 25 in long
size : newborn
Unbelievably you are still in newborn clothing. I tried putting 0-3 months on you and the clothes were HUGE. You are just now starting to fill in your newborn clothing. You are a tiny little thing!
*****{ HEALTH & DIET }*****
Your health is great little one.
When we went for our monthly visit with your Dr. and I mentioned how stuffed up your nose was. You would have a booger keeping you from breathing very well through your nose. Not as if you were sick or anything. But you sounded stuffy. So I inquired about possible allergies. Your pediatrician said that your nose was doing what it was supposed to. He advised us to get you a humidifier. So we did. About day three your nose wasn't stopped up anymore. This makes me happy because now I don't have to wrestle with you and your aspirator anymore.
I did take you to the hospital once this month. I thought you had stopped pooping. The first time I noticed was when Grandma and Grandpa Shank were in town. I noticed you hadn't gone to the bathroom in a while. So I was talking to Grandma Shank and was about to call your pediatrician. Then all of a sudden you decided to poop. A few days later you did this again.This time I did pack you up around midnight and took you to the hospital. I was almost in tears thinking that something was really wrong. After checking in with triage, they took us back to a room. Minutes before the Dr. came in you decided to poop. I don't like talking about your stinky's But I am so glad that everything was o.k.
In the department of nursing...things didn't work out so well. After my hospitalization, nothing return to normal. So I am letting you get all you possibly can through me and supplementing with formula. Not what I planned but as long as you are healthy then mommy is happy.
Currently taking 4 oz a feeding. If you nurse you usually only take 2-3 oz a feeding. I don't wake you to eat very much. Since your sleep schedule at night is so good, I let you sleep.
Your health is great little one.
When we went for our monthly visit with your Dr. and I mentioned how stuffed up your nose was. You would have a booger keeping you from breathing very well through your nose. Not as if you were sick or anything. But you sounded stuffy. So I inquired about possible allergies. Your pediatrician said that your nose was doing what it was supposed to. He advised us to get you a humidifier. So we did. About day three your nose wasn't stopped up anymore. This makes me happy because now I don't have to wrestle with you and your aspirator anymore.
I did take you to the hospital once this month. I thought you had stopped pooping. The first time I noticed was when Grandma and Grandpa Shank were in town. I noticed you hadn't gone to the bathroom in a while. So I was talking to Grandma Shank and was about to call your pediatrician. Then all of a sudden you decided to poop. A few days later you did this again.This time I did pack you up around midnight and took you to the hospital. I was almost in tears thinking that something was really wrong. After checking in with triage, they took us back to a room. Minutes before the Dr. came in you decided to poop. I don't like talking about your stinky's But I am so glad that everything was o.k.
In the department of nursing...things didn't work out so well. After my hospitalization, nothing return to normal. So I am letting you get all you possibly can through me and supplementing with formula. Not what I planned but as long as you are healthy then mommy is happy.
Currently taking 4 oz a feeding. If you nurse you usually only take 2-3 oz a feeding. I don't wake you to eat very much. Since your sleep schedule at night is so good, I let you sleep.
*****{ SCHEDULE }*****
Your schedule is great. You sleep through the night now. I am so very happy that you got your days and nights figured out so soon. I was missing my sleep. You usually wake up around 5:30-6am to snuggle. Within minutes you are off to sleep again. Then you wake back up around 8am to eat. You quickly doze back off to sleep for the rest of the day. You wake up again around the time daddy comes home from work 4:30 and typically stay awake until around 10:30. From 10:30pm ( at the latest 11) you sleep until the next morning. You still sleep a lot.
*****{ FIRSTS }*****
You slept in your own room for the first time this month. ( not really a first but I felt the need to report something).
Mommy had to "let go" and allow some space for herself. When you were in your co-sleeper literally a foot from my side, you knew it. You would turn your head, look at me, and whimper. I felt so terrible that I would pick you up every single time. Daddy and Mommy both thought it would be great to break you of this as soon as we could. You have done marvelous my little one. You usually go right to sleep every night. I only have to get up once or twice to check on you. You aren't in your crib yet but pretty soon you will be too long for your co-sleeper. I really need to get your room finished so that I can put you in your crib when you are ready!
Oh Morgan. You are always surprising me with cute faces. I love your little tongue shows. They are sweet. I have figured out, being as subtle as you are, that the whole tongue deal is a sign of hunger about 10 minutes before you fuss for a bottle. It's adorable!
You are incredible. You have been so calm and quiet this month. Sometimes you are so quiet that the house sounds baby-less.
I still love staring at you while you sleep. There are many times when I start missing you during the day. I wake you up just to talk to you and see what kind of reaction I can get. I love this.
I really enjoy how you are trying to sleep on your side. No matter where you are you literally fight to get onto your side. I usually can hear the little sounds you make when you are doing so. It's adorable to watch. Daddy smiles when he sees you doing this too.
Love ~ mommy
My favorite thing to do each morning is go to your room and check on you. It has become a ritual of mine to check and make sure you are sleeping soundly. And yes, like mom said, I was so amazed and a little frightened to find you on your side one morning but mom calmed me down and told me not to worry. So from then on I just laugh because I know how hard you had to have worked to get comfortable on your side.
Another time I love is coming home to you. You are usually passed out in your swing in the kitchen. Then mean old daddy comes over and wakes you up just because I needed to love on you a little.
I enjoyed feeding you and burping you more this month since mom has slowed on the nursing. It amazes me how much you can drink. I am convinced you have an empty leg or something because you drink as much milk as your tummy is big. Weird...
You are beginning to see better and it is fun to shake a bottle in front of you or wiggle my fingers and watch you follow them around the room in amazement.
*****{ WHAT WE MISS }*****
I miss your one-eyed willy. It was truly entertaining. It's gone. You are wide eyed and beautiful. ~ Mommy
I miss nursing you. We do this sometimes just so you can get as much as you can from me but most of the time you take a bottle. I felt so connected with you in a way that is indescribable. I really miss these moments. ~ Mommy
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT YOU }*****
You are definitely stubborn. When you are hungry..you not only fuss...you yell at us. You give us the rar rar rar and chew on your words. It's so incredibly cute Morgan. Sometimes I hold off just to hear you do this!
You are definitely my little monkey. You are always doing silly things with your arms. It's as if you can't quite control them yet so they swing around in all directions.
You are definitely still acting like a newborn. You are trying to roll over but only get about half-way. You are usually on your side wherever you are.
You are a screamer! You definitely like to scream over getting your diaper changed. You are so quiet and calm until you are getting your clothes or diaper changed.
You really love your binky. I won't let you have your binky for too long but for now it's o.k. Your binky is everything. If we lost it we would be in lots of trouble. You have to have your binky when you go to bed at night. Hopefully soon this will end.
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT MOMMY }*****
I am finally able to get things done around the house. My schedule is back on track. I remember complaining so much last month about the house and laundry. This month the house has been immaculate and the laundry stays clean. This makes me so happy.
I'm able to exercise finally. It took a while after your birth for me to heal and be comfortable working out. I enjoy the time with daddy now that he is working out too.
You have lots of friends now. Since I decided to stay home with you instead of you going to daycare- I decided to start daycare in our home. I will never forget your facial expression the first time you heard another baby cry. You looked confused :)
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT DADDY }*****
Still busy at work but I am much busier at home. It seems like there will never be enough time in the day for you, your brothers, and mommy. We are all working hard to keep the house as organized and clean as possible with mommies new daycare it is even more important that we all get our chores completed.
As mommy said above I am excited to be working out. It took a lot of convincing from mom but we finally both took the leap and went all in...for the first week. Then we made an executive decision to cut out some of the ridiculous diet. It was to much to keep up with. But I am happy to say we are both feeling and looking much better.
*****{ YOUR BIG BROTHERS }*****
They truly adore you Morgan! They fight over who gets to hold you first.
They help out so much. They are my little errand runners. Anytime I need something for you they are quick to retrieve. I think it's sweet how fast they move for you but when it's a chore they take forever to get it done.
They are always kissing you and trying to get you to smile! Love it!
*****{ FIRSTS }*****
You slept in your own room for the first time this month. ( not really a first but I felt the need to report something).
Mommy had to "let go" and allow some space for herself. When you were in your co-sleeper literally a foot from my side, you knew it. You would turn your head, look at me, and whimper. I felt so terrible that I would pick you up every single time. Daddy and Mommy both thought it would be great to break you of this as soon as we could. You have done marvelous my little one. You usually go right to sleep every night. I only have to get up once or twice to check on you. You aren't in your crib yet but pretty soon you will be too long for your co-sleeper. I really need to get your room finished so that I can put you in your crib when you are ready!
Oh Morgan. You are always surprising me with cute faces. I love your little tongue shows. They are sweet. I have figured out, being as subtle as you are, that the whole tongue deal is a sign of hunger about 10 minutes before you fuss for a bottle. It's adorable!
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{ Jan 28 } |
You are incredible. You have been so calm and quiet this month. Sometimes you are so quiet that the house sounds baby-less.
I still love staring at you while you sleep. There are many times when I start missing you during the day. I wake you up just to talk to you and see what kind of reaction I can get. I love this.
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{ Jan 26 } |
I really enjoy how you are trying to sleep on your side. No matter where you are you literally fight to get onto your side. I usually can hear the little sounds you make when you are doing so. It's adorable to watch. Daddy smiles when he sees you doing this too.
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{ Jan 31 } You fought the swing for about 10 minutes to get into this position :) |
My favorite thing to do each morning is go to your room and check on you. It has become a ritual of mine to check and make sure you are sleeping soundly. And yes, like mom said, I was so amazed and a little frightened to find you on your side one morning but mom calmed me down and told me not to worry. So from then on I just laugh because I know how hard you had to have worked to get comfortable on your side.
Another time I love is coming home to you. You are usually passed out in your swing in the kitchen. Then mean old daddy comes over and wakes you up just because I needed to love on you a little.
I enjoyed feeding you and burping you more this month since mom has slowed on the nursing. It amazes me how much you can drink. I am convinced you have an empty leg or something because you drink as much milk as your tummy is big. Weird...
You are beginning to see better and it is fun to shake a bottle in front of you or wiggle my fingers and watch you follow them around the room in amazement.
*****{ WHAT WE MISS }*****
I miss your one-eyed willy. It was truly entertaining. It's gone. You are wide eyed and beautiful. ~ Mommy
I miss nursing you. We do this sometimes just so you can get as much as you can from me but most of the time you take a bottle. I felt so connected with you in a way that is indescribable. I really miss these moments. ~ Mommy
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT YOU }*****
You are definitely stubborn. When you are hungry..you not only fuss...you yell at us. You give us the rar rar rar and chew on your words. It's so incredibly cute Morgan. Sometimes I hold off just to hear you do this!
You are definitely my little monkey. You are always doing silly things with your arms. It's as if you can't quite control them yet so they swing around in all directions.
You are definitely still acting like a newborn. You are trying to roll over but only get about half-way. You are usually on your side wherever you are.
You are a screamer! You definitely like to scream over getting your diaper changed. You are so quiet and calm until you are getting your clothes or diaper changed.
You really love your binky. I won't let you have your binky for too long but for now it's o.k. Your binky is everything. If we lost it we would be in lots of trouble. You have to have your binky when you go to bed at night. Hopefully soon this will end.
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT MOMMY }*****
I am finally able to get things done around the house. My schedule is back on track. I remember complaining so much last month about the house and laundry. This month the house has been immaculate and the laundry stays clean. This makes me so happy.
I'm able to exercise finally. It took a while after your birth for me to heal and be comfortable working out. I enjoy the time with daddy now that he is working out too.
You have lots of friends now. Since I decided to stay home with you instead of you going to daycare- I decided to start daycare in our home. I will never forget your facial expression the first time you heard another baby cry. You looked confused :)
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT DADDY }*****
Still busy at work but I am much busier at home. It seems like there will never be enough time in the day for you, your brothers, and mommy. We are all working hard to keep the house as organized and clean as possible with mommies new daycare it is even more important that we all get our chores completed.
As mommy said above I am excited to be working out. It took a lot of convincing from mom but we finally both took the leap and went all in...for the first week. Then we made an executive decision to cut out some of the ridiculous diet. It was to much to keep up with. But I am happy to say we are both feeling and looking much better.
*****{ YOUR BIG BROTHERS }*****
They truly adore you Morgan! They fight over who gets to hold you first.
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{ Jan 31 } |
They help out so much. They are my little errand runners. Anytime I need something for you they are quick to retrieve. I think it's sweet how fast they move for you but when it's a chore they take forever to get it done.
They are always kissing you and trying to get you to smile! Love it!
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{ Jan 4 } |
{ Jan 4 } |
{ Jan 5 } |
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{ Jan 6 } |
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{ Jan 30 } |
This month has gone by especially fast! I miss having so much time with you alone. Sleeping, snuggling, and smiling at each other. I remember not too long ago saying how fast month one went by and now I say it again. I can't believe you are already two months old!!!
I love you Morgan
The updates make me smile and wish I would have done this for Zachary especially since he is an only child.