Saturday, September 27, 2014

My Canteloupe {34 weeks}

34 Weeks with Baby Shank

Baby Update:

Baby Shank is well. He is running out of room to kick and squirm. I get the rib jabs and knees out the side of my belly now a days. Not sure what is more painful...jabs in the ribs or actual baby kicks. I'm goin with jabs in the ribs!

His heartbeat is 164 bpm. Strong and healthy. He is measuring on the spot. So, not smaller and not bigger than he is supposed to be. I haven't gotten up the courage to ask what my doctor is estimated his weight to be around...Both my boys were born on time and were 6 pounds. My little Morgan was a whopping 7.2! So, this obviously leaves me wondering what little baby shank will be when he is born!!

Yesterday was my last appointment before I go each week. Not too long from now and we will be meeting our little man :)

Weight Gain:

OH YEA. Thought I had it going on until I went to my last 2 appointments...I've gained 32 pounds so far. I had the feeling I would surpass my 30 pound goal. Baby #4...hey its o.k.! I'm seriously not going to flip out.I'm just hoping (just like with the other 3) the weight comes off period. Not worried about that "flinging back right away" anymore. Geeze. I'm 32 !

Maternity Clothes:

Actually - most of my clothes aren't maternity anymore. I'm starting to prepare my clothing line for post-partum/recover from surgery by purchasing yoga type pants extra stretchy in a large and shirts that are stretchy in a medium. The large is for my c-section and the medium tops are for the upper body inflation lol!! Ya know....the milk filled tatas! Anyways, I figured I wouldn't invest anymore than I needed to and with baby being so close, I wanted to go ahead and start on my post-partum wardrobe. 

My Favorite Moment:

Oh boy...coming up with baby boy names. We've gone back and forth on 4 names. One particular name is sticking with us. We are still deciding but I honestly know the final mommy approval will be last minute.

I really Miss:

Sleep. I only get a few hours of sleep at night. Our little man thinks its play time as soon as I lay down and get comfortable. I actually can't get comfortable. I use pillows, a wedge...nothing is helping me get comfortable. It takes me (most nights) around an hour to fall asleep. Then, I'm back up around midnight/1am, up again around 2-3 and up again around 5. Really? No wonder I'm so exhausted all the time!


No real cravings. There are days I eat just so I know I'm eating something good for baby. Other than these times, I inhale water on a constant basis. I'm always SO thirsty.

This baby business is making me feel old. My body hurts! I've just hit that point where I am telling Kale on a daily basis, "I can't wait to have this baby" I am definitely ready. No nerves. No fears. Just ready to have my body back without a baby inside. 

On the flip side: this is actual quite the opposite some days. This will be my last pregnancy. My last moments of feeling a baby kicking and moving. The miracle of life. 

I'm pulled both ways. I don't want to have him some days: I just want to sit and stare at him moving around. Then some days I'm almost in tears with exhaustion. Oh my little I LOVE being pregnant...but its about over and my body is saying get out lol

Daddy Update:

Kale is as ready as I am to meet our little guy. This pregnancy definitely went quickly for us but now that we are close to our seems to be slowing down and more on a day to day feel.

He has been preparing at work for his leave. With Morgan, he just took paid vacation. With this one, he actually gets paternity leave. So that's exciting. We are coming up with our master plan for my surgery, recovery, baby + mom coming home, the relatives we have coming in and situating and planning for the 3 kiddos that we will have at home. WHAT a chore right?!

We are SO grateful family is coming on to meet our little one and help out with holding the fort down while we are gone for 3 days. We are so blessed.

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