Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Mommy + Daughter Wednesday

So around 2 weeks ago, Morgan and I began a new "thing" called Mommy + Daughter Wednesday.

Being closer and closer to the delivery of baby 4, my body is tired! But...miss morgan is FULL of energy!! So what's a mom to do?

I decided to start getting her out of the house more often. Going to the park, going shopping (even if its's just window shopping) and anything I can do to get her out to exert all her energy.

I was told about "storytime" at the library from a good friend of mine. It's on Wednesday mornings at 10 but only lasts around 30-45 minutes. So, I decided to extend the time we could get out by going on a lunch date with my sweet girl every Wednesday. Then heading to a park or indoor play area at the restaurant we go to.

Today we got LUCKY! Chic-Fil-A in Evansville has just that!

So we got to have story-time, chic-fil-a for lunch AND an hour of play in the indoor play area! Needless to say, she passed out for a nap right when we got home. I would definitely say my plan is working! I also get to spend lots of one-to-one time with my girl :)

I know once baby arrives and I'm recovered and cleared to drive...this will continue with baby! So excited about this new "thing" we have going on. 

This was definitely a fun day with my Morgan.

~ The Shank Family

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