Wednesday, September 2, 2015

First Day of Preschool | Morgan

Well, our baby isn't a baby anymore. She's now a big girl! She knows it too.

I remember thinking back to last year and how Tyler started school and Morgan would try to follow. It was the sweetest thing ever! Morgan would be dressed in nothing but a pull - up with her back-back on, hair a mess, dragon breath, no breakfast and no shower just heading out the door after her brother. 

I would tell her as kindly as I possibly could - "Morgy, your not big enough"

She would cry and hold me. I would hold her back. It was SO emotional!!

Well, needless to say she has been dreaming of this day since last year. Her day is finally here and she is the happiest girl EVER!
When we were on our way to her preschool she just looked at me with these big happy eyes and said "Mom, I told you I was big enough"!
Oh the memories and the time that we've been blessed with just makes my heart SO happy.

Morgan will attend preschool at our church this year and next year. This year she is in the 3 year old class and couldn't be happier. She will attend Tuesday and Thursday half-days.

Here is our happy, smiling, energetic, social & beautiful "BIG GIRL" on her very first day of preschool 2015!

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