Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Ryker Wayne | 11 months

Ryker Wayne 11 months

Age: 11 mo's
Weight: ~ 20 lbs
Clothing: 9-12 mo or 12 mo

You have 7 teeth!! 4 on top and 3 on bottom


Well, Mr Ryker. You made things easier on yourself by popping in 4 top teeth all at one time. I've never seen this before but I sure am glad that's over with because now your my happy little chomper!

You have taken a total of 4 steps all by yourself. We know you will be walking soon and aren't even going to try to capture it on video. We already know we will miss it if we try.
You have slowly been trying to foods. 

Foods you Love:

Chobani Yogurt
Cottage Cheese
Arrowroot cookies 
Puff Snacks
Real Sweet Potatoes
You try foods here and there but usually do NOT like them :) Such as avocado :) You do not like avocado at this time! 

You are attempting to walk. Yup. More and more each day. Day 1 of walking...we were happy to see 2 steps without falling.

You do not like shoes. But, every once in a while I do make you wear them :)

A day in the life:

Ryker, you still take the same two naps every day. Once at 10 am for around 30-45 minutes and again at 1 pm for around 1 hour. With your age right now I don't get a lot done while you are awake. You are attempting to walk, climbing on everything and getting into all sort of things. I like to keep my eye on you these days. Your favorite way to scare me? Climbing on top of the totes we have in the old dining room all packed up. You climb on top of them and sometimes fall off. So, I just keep an eye on you now so that nothing happens!

You are mostly independent these days. You don't want me to feed you as you prefer to feed yourself. You really don't want to be held until its around nap-time. You play on your own and like to explore. I love that about you.

Your family Loves you! 

Colten and Tyler are helping out with you as usual. Colten has always been my biggest helper but here recently Tyler has had an interest in helping me out too. If we are carrying in groceries, Tyler will assist by helping you stay clear of the front door. We love that Tyler has been giving you attention here lately. Playing with you and other things. 

Ryker : you are turning 1 in just a few weeks! We are super excited about your first birthday. We can't wait to share you 1 year pics with the family!


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