Tuesday, August 2, 2011

My Papaya - 22 Weeks

22 Weeks and 4 Days with Ladybug

Ladybug Update:

Well little miss thing is getting big! She is  throwing me some very noticeable kicks that daddy can now see. It doesn't hurt but sometimes she shocks me. I will just be laying in bed with Kale and she will kick really hard. I always jump and Kale laughs at me. 

I haven't seen my Doctor since the last update but our Ladybug is doing good. She seems to (obviously) be very strong and it good health. I pray she is developing properly. The last time I saw the Doctor, Ladybug had a full anatomy performed by ultrasound. She passed with flying colors.

We also had a Sequential Screen Performed. I went through some testing during my first trimester and will get the second part performed on Friday Aug 4th. A Sequential Screen tests baby for Down Syndrome (mental and physical abnormalities), Trisomy 18 (serious mental retardation and physical deformities including heart defects) and Open Neural Tube Defects (this tube eventually develops to become babies brain and spinal cord). So far on Screening Part one, Ladybug has passed these tests.

Mommy Update:

I have gained 13 pounds. WoW. I have half of my pregnancy left and have gained almost half of my weight already. I guess it's o.k. I am glad this isn't another Tyler pregnancy. At this point I had already gained 30 pounds! Which reminds me, I found my 5 month pregnancy photos from Pregnancy 1 and 2. I really need to do a side by side.

I am doing o.k. I say o.k. because baby has taken over my abdomen. For the longest time she was just burrowed in between my pelvis and belly button. I was wondering when this explosion was going to happen. She has now become larger (as if I didn't expect this to happen ) and some changes have occurred :

I can't breathe!! Help me I need oxygen! I usually can sit at a 90 degree angle but there are a lot of times during my day when I really have to lounge and lean back to be able to breathe.

I ALMOST can't bend over. I have to do the plie squat these days when I drop something. The other day I dropped something on the floor of my kitchen. I was so tired from working a 12 hour shift. I just stood there staring as if I was a magician and the object was going to fly up from the floor into my hand. Kale laughed and picked it up for me. What a lifesaver!

A picture to show you how hard it might be to bend over when you can barely see your own feet:

I can't sleep!! I can sleep but man do I really toss and turn to get there. I have all the pillows in the house on my side of the bed. Just a few nights ago I stole Kale's pillow. It was late and he really wanted to get some rest. I couldn't help it. I was laying on my side with a pillow between my legs. UGH! This one is too flat. So I tried another. UGH! This one is too thick! So I tried another. I went through about 5 pillows before I found the right one. And once I did, I was passed out !!! I really need one of those boppy pillows for preggo women! It's so next on my list of things to buy for this pregnancy.

Eating isn't the same. I am always hungry as usual but I can't eat very much. I mean to eat an egg sandwich - I feel like Ive eaten five! I get so full so fast then 10 minutes later I am starving. It puts a whole new meaning to "snacking" all day long.


Yes I am going to talk about my boobs! They are HUGE! I knew this was going to happen being that I have had two pregnancies already and it happened with them! They HURT!!! They are heavy and huge. Did I mention that they are HUGE! I have spent a ton of money on some pretty handy dandy sports bras to help me carry these crazy things around! And the sad part, they are going to get even bigger when I start breastfeeding! Oh why oh why was I blessed with large breasts before pregnancy? Owell, I suppose after I am done breastfeeding Ladybug they will be normal and manageable again.

I'm cranky! I thought I was hormonal and cranky during my first trimester HAH! I am a little on edge. I've noticed however that I am only on edge after working a 12 hour shift. Kale is all about talking and so am I. I guess I now know how it feels to be totally exhausted after working all darn day and really not wanting to talk very much. I should take this into consideration after Kale gets home from work and I want to literally talk his ear off.

I have officially began doing the pregnant waddle! Yes! I know! The waddle that looks like a very uncomfortable pregnant lady just wanting to get from point A to point B. It's actually kinda funny when I catch myself doing this. It's not extreme yet but I'm sure it will be soon.

I have to pee all the time. I know this is normal but seriously! It's crazy! I probably have spent more money on toilet paper than maternity clothes!!

My skin is doing o.k. I am talking about breakouts. A few months back I got fed up with a zit here and a zit there. I had my first paycheck in hand and decided to take myself to Clinique. I sat down and explained very calmly what had been going on. The nice "clinique" lady washed my face, used this awesome refreshing toner, and put moisturizer on my face. Then she gave me a mini makeover using some not-so-cheap makeup. I looked in mirror, called the hubby for approval and made the deal. I spent some cash but it was well worth it. I now have a little collection of clinique products that have been keeping my skin clear during this pregnancy. Hallelujah!

This is definitely another Colten pregnancy. I haven't really gotten bigger anywhere but my belly. Ladybug doesn't weigh 13 pounds but the weight so far has been proportional to where I can honestly say this time  it didn't all go to my rear end! I can still fit into all of my old shorts, jeans, and capris - I just can't button them. I am hoping that this will stay the same during this pregnancy. I won't have to work so hard getting all the weight off.

Cocoa Butter has now become my best friend. I feared stretch marks with Colten. I didn't get any. Then I feared stretch marks with Tyler. I got three. Two on one hip and one on the other. Both Pregnancy 1 and Pregnancy 2 I didn't get any on my belly. So I have again started lathering on the cocoa butter in high hopes I won't get any stretch marks with Ladybug. I don't think it's in my genes to get these but you never know.

We have had to "hide the preggo" to let the dogs out. Marley has almost knocked me over twice already. I don't really have the greatest balance in the world these days and letting Marley out of his kennel to go outside is dangerous! He is so big and fast. He runs into my legs and I scream like a girl! I am a girl! But on a serious note Kale usually lets me know now before he lets Marley barrel through the house to run outside.

Daddy Update:

Kale seems to be very affected by this pregnancy. In a lot of good ways. He has always been a great father to both my boys but he has recently been defining his skills.

He has become more of a housewife than me which hurts to say but its true. He does so much cleaning and cooking. He offers constantly to pick Tyler up from daycare. He is always asking if there is anything I would like him to do. I usually always tell him to relax. He works too hard sometimes.

He has started doing a lot of researching of different "Family Talk" books and CD's. He has made a few purchases : The Father Connection and The New Strong Willed Child. He has some more that he is looking at purchasing: Raising a Daughter and What a Difference a Daddy Makes. I think it's sweet that he is educating himself and in a christian fashion. These books and CD's are all christian based.

He gives my belly LOTS of attention. Each morning before we were pregnant, Kale wouldn't leave the house for work without giving me a kiss on the cheek and telling me he loves me. He now kisses my belly too and tells my bump, "I love you Ladybug". It's the sweetest thing ever!

I know I have said this a million times but Kale is going to make such a sweet and awesome new daddy to our Ladybug. I am thankful for him in every way and thank the Lord above for sending Kale my way!

Here are the rest of the pics from 19 weeks-22 weeks with ladybug:

random pic: 19 weeks

20 weeks

22 Weeks

I seriously got big fast!!

More to come! Love The Shank Family

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