Friday, August 12, 2011

Mr. Tyler







Kale and I just received a call from our attorney's office. We finally have a
court date. September 14, 2011.

This will be the day we pay a lot of money to our attorney. :)

This will be the day Kale and I go to court
and sit in front of a judge.

This will be the day Kale will be asked several questions and he will do a fine
job answering to them all as he has been Tyler's father
for the last several years.

This will be the day the new Birth Certificate is signed by

This will also mark the last day Tyler will carry his old last name around.
This will be the day Tyler James
becomes a SHANK!!

I am so excited and happy! I know Kale is too.

This will be the day that we can finally take Tyler's school some paperwork
so that he can start writing his name legally as
Tyler James Shank!

This will be the day that I take a picture of Kale signing the new Birth Certificate.

This will also be a great day of celebration for Kale and Tyler Shank!

We love you all. Thanks for supporting us. Thank you for your Prayers, Love, and Praise on the whole situation.


The Shank Family

1 comment :

  1. Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for all of you. That's wonderful. :-)


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