Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Tyler's last day of Summer and Last day as preschooler!

Today is officially Tyler's last day as a preschooler. He will move onto Kindergarten tomorrow morning. Am I o.k. with all of this? Well, I don't really have a choice. It's going to be quite a transition for my little man.

I think he will have lots of fun being in a classroom setting with other children his age. He is currently in a Head Start program where the preschool doesn't really have a set curriculum. They do lots of coloring, painting, building blocks, and story time. He learned how to write his name, count, and say his ABC's. But Kindergarten is definitely a step up from all of this. The school will be a little more strict. That's the scary part for Tyler. I will pick him up most days and the kids are running around screaming and laughing. Tyler also has his Hyper-Activity Disorder which he takes medication for. The medication helps but it takes knowing him very well to calm him and redirect. I am hoping that the school understands this and can treat him appropriately.

I am fearful but have faith that Tyler will be alright.

So what has Tyler been up to lately? Oh lots of mischievous things. He has had some fun too:

Some Fun at the Park

Tyler goes to dentist for his check-up

Some fun in the water sprinkler!

Oh how they grow up so quickly!!

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