Friday, August 5, 2011

It's Not Yet Time - Follow up

I went and saw my Doctor this morning. Our Ladybug is fine. Her heartbeat is normal and I am growing regularly as far as Ladybugs size. Tyler got to join me and help the Doctor turn on the Doppler to listen to baby's heartbeat. He also got to help her pull out the tape measure to measure mommy's belly.

My Doctor did not tell me to quit my job just yet but told me to finish out the month working. She wants me to drop hours which I did this morning with my employer. I will now only work 2 days a week max. I did put in my notice with my employer. I will work for the next 3 weeks and then be done. If at any time I start having contractions again, I will have to quit my job immediately. This is better for me and for baby.

I also was able to talk to my Doctor about whether I was having a natural birth or a scheduled cesarean. I will definitely be having a cesarean again. The scheduled date as of right now will be November 28, 2011. We are making plans with family members to come stay with me my last few weeks of pregnancy to help out with the boys and for a few days after my cesarean. This will be beneficial to my health and the baby's health.

All-in-all the pregnancy is on the safe side. There really aren't any threats as of right now to me or to the baby. The contractions are not labor contractions being that my water hasn't broke and no dilation has occurred. This is a good thing. They are more or less Braxton Hicks contractions. Not your typical pain free ones but when I refer to pain, the level being nothing like actual labor. I am just very uncomfortable when they occur.

Thank you everyone for your prayers. Ladybug isn't ready to come yet. I am hoping that things will settle down and my pregnancy will remain "normal" until I am due to have her.

The Shank Family

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