Friday, August 12, 2011

A New Day For Tyler

This post is a few days behind ....

August 8, 2011

Following up from the last post about Tyler's ADHD, he is doing well. We all woke up this morning and did the usual. Eat breakfast. Brush teeth. Get dressed. Pack lunches. And sit at the bus stop. This is the first day Tyler and Colten got to go to school together. Pictures at end of post.

Tyler woke up in his normal fashion. Running through the house. His little motor starts really early. His little motor starts the minute he wakes up. He just can't slow down. Poor guy. But I gave him his meds right after he chowed a large bowl of cereal.

About 20-30 minutes later I noticed the change. He became very calm. Very collected. Very much like a little boy anticipating his "new" first day of school. I was stunned. It's been several months since I have seen Tyler this calm. He was able to get himself ready for school in a timely manner. He didn't yell, throw a fit, become agitated, and stayed in composure the entire morning. I was very shocked. I hate to admit this but I was so relieved.

Tyler is such a great child. He is very smart. He loves to help. He helped me pack his lunch. Usually he runs around and goes back and forth several times to the pantry. If he doesn't get what he wants then it's another small rampage for Tyler. Today, he stood by the kitchen table and helped me make decisions on what he would be taking for lunch. It was very relaxing to see him so content. I am happy this morning.

I am hoping that we can stay on this course. With closer follow up appointments with his Doctor, lots of behavioral and disciplinary changes, and lots of attention and LOVE, Tyler will do great.

I went to the school this morning to drop off Tyler's medication that he will take at school before lunch. Had a great talk with the school nurse. She gave me a lot of insight. She also gave me lots of advice. She will keep us posted on any changes that are out of the ordinary while he is going to be adjusting to this medication over the next few days. I also received report on how Tyler was doing this morning in school. He is doing great! He is calm. He is attentive. He is following directions. He is being good. I am happy for Tyler right now. He is a regular Kindergartner. I am thrilled that he will be able to finish out this day normally (hopefully). I have prayed for Tyler a lot today.

The breakdown: Usually I want to cry but hold it in until I talk to Kale. He called around noon to ask me how my day was which I LOVE him for doing each and every day without fail. I was telling him how the medication effected Tyler. I started crying. I am so emotional when it comes to these kids. I remember the medication kicking in. At first, Tyler was very calm. He had a great morning. But heading to the bus stop was different. Tyler's mouth was dry. He couldn't speak. He couldn't really even smile. The medication was really taking effect. I felt terrible. I felt nauseous. I felt helpless.This is the first time Tyler has taken this medication at this dosage. His body will quickly adjust as I am assured by the doctor. His appetite will become somewhat suppressed and then return to normal. I don't want him on this medication but for Tyler, it's the right thing to do. Tyler will be o.k. Kale had to remind me that Tyler will be o.k.

Well, we have made it through the day without any phone calls from the school. Tyler and Colten both came home together on the bus. I waited patiently in my car for the boys. Tyler was so excited to ride a bus for the first time. I helped him off the bus and drove the kids home. Tyler was still very content and on his best behavior. I was thrilled! He gave me his daily folder so I could  look through it and low and behold he had the cutest little Garfield paper that said, "Tyler had a great day"! I know there will be good days and bad with both of our children. But today I am super happy. It's been months since I have seen my son have such a good day at preschool/school.

Now for the fun part: Pictures!!!

The boys watching cartoons until it's time to get on the bus

All smiles this morning!

My little man's first bus ride...

A little sunny this morning but they are being angels

This speaks for itself

As always
More to come


The Shank Family

1 comment :

  1. Beautiful pics! Tyler is so lucky to have a wonderful family that loves him and wants to make his life the best it can be. There are great things in his future and he will appreciate all of the things you did for him when he is an adult. Colton looks so grown up and mature. I bet he is an awesome big brother. Take care of yourself and give Kale hugs and kisses for us! We really appreciate him more than he will ever know!

    Love Mom and Dad :)


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