Friday, November 13, 2015

Week 4

Week 4 is exciting but we know there is so much left to do. We were hoping for a 5 week turn-around but Kale and I have made SO many changes to hold things up. I mean, we can't go back and do things after everything has been done so we figured why not just get it done now!

A few things we added:

A Faux Fireplace 

I really needed this. I wanted a place to hang stockings and secretly I'm going to miss my enormous fireplace at our current home. While this will be nothing like the one we have now it will still be a great little addition

A seating/hanging area in foyer

Even the tiniest of spaces can still be useful. I decided to add a small custom build in right as we come into the door from garage. One of my biggest pet peeves is a messy counter. Well, for 5 years my husband has come in, put his hat, keys, wallet, belt and knife pack on the kitchen counter. I said no more and added this nifty little area just for him. We don't have nearly this much space but it will work for what we need.
A Laundry Room in Basement

 I WISH my little laundry area could be this cool! But unfortunately it won't be. This is just an idea I had for one off pinterest. Side by side with a cabinet and bar for hanging clothes :) Clean and simple. We originally were going to do something a little nicer in the garage but found out they couldn't put anything through the brick wall. At least they recommended against it. Also with freezing temps...this was the best way to do this. I will be able to do laundry while watching kiddos in rec room.

Upstairs living area {faux fireplace}

Other side of upstairs living room. On right is front door, small coat closet to the left of door then the big opening beside is is my new office space.


Hallway to bathroom, kids rooms and our bedroom.

We've added and changed a ton of other things as well. Door widths because the house was old and we would have had to purchase custom doors. That gets really expensive and we said no. Change the width of the doors instead. Just small odds and ends.

This week Kale also decided it was time to start on Colten's bedroom and bathroom as well.

This is the rec room. Basically storage space right now

This is inside Colten's room. Those pipes will be moved. Walls will go up. Geeze what a mess!

Kale ripping apart the bathroom you see through the opening. It's TINY! But it works for what we need it for!

My laundry space

What a crazy journey. Watching things progress. We have a ways to go! Drywallers are there this week and hopefully as soon as they are done we can get to finishing materials :)!

~ Our Shank Family

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