Monday, March 28, 2011

How We Met

Well, Kale and I met in the summer of 2008. He lived right beside my parents at Rocky Falls RV Park. My parents were working at Alcoa in Evansville. Kale was working for Agri Systems in Mount Vernon. Rocky Falls RV Park was somewhere in the middle. The first day we actually spoke, I was outside laying out in  my bathing suit LOL. Kale was sitting in a pop out chair drinking a beer. My youngest son, Tyler, was playing with the water hose. As soon as Kale sat down, he looked over at me. I looked at him. I thought what a cutie! Then my son decided to spray him down with the hose. It was hilarious. We didn't really talk or anything. A  while passed and winter hit. I needed some one to move my travel trailer to storage. I asked him if he would thanks to a good friend Shiela Lee who gave me his phone number. So I called him and he agreed. This was around January 2009. We met at the storage place and he already had my travel trailer ready to go. We kind of introduced ourselves at this point. I thought he was totally cute. I wasn't necessarily interested but I thought about it! So, we pulled my travel trailer in and ended up getting stuck in about 3 feet in mud. His pretty Chevy was stuck and not going anywhere. I told him thanks. He said no problem and said he would get his truck the next day. I didn't see him for about a week. Then my mom kept telling me I needed to thank him. So I called and thanked him? Then she was like NO. You need to invite him over for BBQ and really thank him. I thought no way! I am so not doing that. After hearing it for a few days, she wouldn't leave it alone how cute he was, I finally said ok. I called Kale and asked him over for BBQ. He came and it was a little weird. With my mom being there and all. Well, he had my number and I had his. Not sure what gave in but he ended up calling me to ask me out. A DATE! I thought how sweet. So we went on this date and ended up having a good time. Too good of a time. We laughed and talked and it was just really sweet. I knew he would be a great guy to be with and well I am sure he thought the same with me. We dated for a while and things went really well. We both had a major "thing" happening in both our lives and we gave each other a shoulder to lean on. I feel that is what brought us together. We were there for each other and our friendship grew into something more. He ended up moving in with me at my place over the summer of 2009 and from then on we have grown into a strong happy family . We got engaged on April 14, 2010 and Married on December 16, 2010. Life is so Great now! We have two beautiful children from me from a previous relationship and Kale is a great father to both of them.

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