Kale text me September of 2009 to ask me if I wanted to pick out rings. I thought that he was kidding. Well, he wasn't. We went to about 5 different stores in Evansville. I finally found the ring I wanted at Droste's. Beautiful ring with diamond in the middle and two floating
diamonds on either side. It was the perfect traditional past present and future
engagement ring. Well, months went by and nothing. I thought to myself, I wonder if he has bought that ring yet? Few more months went by. Still no proposal. On April 14, 2010 one of the most important days of my life, I graduated a program that would change my life forever. He had a suprise for me. We drove for about 3 hours and finally arrived at West Baden Resort and Spa. I was shocked. He already had our hotel room and ad spa day for me set up. We had dinner that night out on a balcony with a PRIVATE butler and waitress. It was secluded and so romantic! We walked up to the table and there was a candle lit and
a rose. He gave me a kiss and handed me the rose. I was so in love already but this was the icing on the cake! I was very hungry that night and chowed my food. I chose lamb and it was Delicious!!! Then the waitress asked me if I wanted a desert menu. I said oh yes please. Then Kale started looking a little funny. I asked him if everything was o.k. he said yes. So I continued to look at the desert menu. Then Kale reached over and took it from me. I thought how rude are you! I asked him for the menu back! I was starting to get mad. LOL. He then got up and said come look at it over here. I got up and walked over to the edge of the balcony and he put the menu down. I thought you have got to be kidding me! Is he purposely NOT wanting me to eat desert. He asked me if this was a special night? I said Yes. He said do you know that this night could get better? I said Yes? He then started to shake and got down on one knee. I was like OH MY GOD!!!! He asked me and he was shaking so bad. I said YES! Then I started laughing Hysterically and then busted out crying! I was so happy! Later he told me that when he bought the ring, he had the kids with him. He had to basically threaten them with some crazy punishment to make sure they didn't tell me! He had also hid the ring in the center console of his car. He never locks his car. I went to go somewhere in his car and the doors were locked. I looked up at him and said Why are your doors locked? You never lock your doors? He told me later that he had forgot about the ring being in the center console until after i left. He said he was sweating bullets hoping I wouldn't find the ring!!!

This is where he got down on his knee!!
And the RING!
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