Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Morgan's Eyes

Was I wrong about Morgan's eye color? 

I think so...

When Morgan was born her eyes were dark dark navy blue. They slowly faded and appeared to be brown. Then her eyes were blue. Then they lightened up to be a grayish blue color. This is when I took the photo for the EYE COLOR WAGER that I thought I won.

Look at those pretty blue eyes.

The other day I noticed that I might have been wrong! Her eyes are HAZEL! At least right now they are...Here is the evidence leading me to this conclusion.

This photo is SOOC (straight out of camera) with NO edits!

a little closer...

and closer...

I know you see all that brown!!!

So the real question. What is going on!

Morgan is going to be 6 months old here at the end of the month. When does a baby's eye color stay permanent?

I read that it will be somewhere by 9 months. I also read that a child's eye color can change all the way through 4 years old. Google has a way of deceiving a person so I can't really trust what I've read.

Colten's eyes were a definite brown by 9 months. Tyler's were a definite baby blue by 9 months. I think our little girl is taking us for a ride!

I think her eyes are beautiful! I'm just wondering now if they will stay like this or turn brown.

WHO has hazel eyes in our family?

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