Morgan Elaine
* Five Months *
*****{ STATS }*****
12.5 pounds
23 inches long
size: 3-6 months
You are wearing 3-6 mo's clothing now. You can still wear some 0-3 mo's but I'm starting to pack them up already. You stayed tiny for so that you are growing's like you are flying through your clothes. Exciting but fast. I have gone shopping about 6 different times now. I had to go get you new sleepers 0-3 mos. Just 2.5 weeks later you outgrew them. So onto the store I go again.
You are now wearing your size 1 diapers. I think we've had this box for about 3 months now {pre-bought them thinking ahead}. And of course we bought the largest box of pampers they make. It sat and sat and sat. Now we can use them up before you get too big for them. I will probably end up passing what's left down to your baby friends :)
*****{ HEALTH & DIET }*****
You are very healthy. Morgan...your a chunker! It's about time you showed off a roll or two!
One morning about 3 weeks ago you woke up with green goo from your eyes. Took you to see your pediatrician. He said you have blocked tear ducts. I was given eye drops to prevent infection and have to massage the glands around the sides of your nose each day. If this continues they will have to do a small procedure inserting a catheter into your tear duct (corner of eye where tears come from) and blow it out. I'm really hoping this doesn't happen.
Eating: Oh goodness. Your messy! Really messy. You LOVE food. It's like one day you woke up and developed an appetite. When we first introduced food you weren't exactly interested. You ate what we gave you. Now you actually get hungry for something other than your bottle. You LOVE when I am making you food. You lean over in your bumbo and stare at me while I mix your rice cereal.
You favorites:
rice cereal
oatmeal & apples
You dislike:
green beans
Your on fire when it comes to eating food. This is great!
Currently I buy Gerber but have the plans on making you some homemade baby food using these frozen baby food trays I've had my eyes on in the stores.
I have recently been feeding you food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in hopes that a schedule can be formed. Not sure this will work right now given that you are still on a bottle. My attempts at this will eventually pay off.
One morning about 3 weeks ago you woke up with green goo from your eyes. Took you to see your pediatrician. He said you have blocked tear ducts. I was given eye drops to prevent infection and have to massage the glands around the sides of your nose each day. If this continues they will have to do a small procedure inserting a catheter into your tear duct (corner of eye where tears come from) and blow it out. I'm really hoping this doesn't happen.
Eating: Oh goodness. Your messy! Really messy. You LOVE food. It's like one day you woke up and developed an appetite. When we first introduced food you weren't exactly interested. You ate what we gave you. Now you actually get hungry for something other than your bottle. You LOVE when I am making you food. You lean over in your bumbo and stare at me while I mix your rice cereal.
You favorites:
rice cereal
oatmeal & apples
You dislike:
green beans
Your on fire when it comes to eating food. This is great!
Currently I buy Gerber but have the plans on making you some homemade baby food using these frozen baby food trays I've had my eyes on in the stores.
I have recently been feeding you food for breakfast, lunch, and dinner in hopes that a schedule can be formed. Not sure this will work right now given that you are still on a bottle. My attempts at this will eventually pay off.
*****{ SCHEDULE }*****
You sleep like a little person. You go to bed when we go to bed. You wake up when we wake you up.
During the day you still take about 4 naps. They are about 1.5 hours long.
*****{ FIRSTS }*****
My favorite thing this month is my time with you. I get to spend all day with you Morgan and I love it.
I'm in love with your smile!
I am in love with your baby talk. All your babble is funny to hear. Interesting too.
I'm in love with your smile!
I am in love with your baby talk. All your babble is funny to hear. Interesting too.
~ mommy
My Favorite thing this month is getting to feed you your baby food. You are such a veracious eater. You chase the spoon around and pounce to get some squash and rice cereal... ( Yuck). It is our little ritual after I get home from work.
I also am in love with your chubby little thighs and your multiple chins. It is good to see you finally putting on some baby fat. I am sure it won't last long since you are already a little mover and I am sure you will be crawling shortly.
I also am in love with your chubby little thighs and your multiple chins. It is good to see you finally putting on some baby fat. I am sure it won't last long since you are already a little mover and I am sure you will be crawling shortly.
*****{ WHAT WE MISS }*****
I am missing... your tiny little body. You were tiny for so long and now you are growing and moving.
Like mom I miss you when you were tiny too. Other than that I like the way you are and they way you are growing
~ daddy
~ daddy
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT YOU }*****
You are a mover Morgan. You are rolling and starting to scoot. I saw you yesterday playing with Kandice's feet. Then you saw her bottle. So you moved your body to face her bottle. I didn't get this part on video but you were reaching for her bottle. I honestly thought you were going to scoot close enough to grab it.
You love food. You lean your body towards the spoon. If I'm not careful you will throw your head forward and the spoon will go a little too far. Yikes! It scares me every time.
You are a spitter. You didn't like your first introduction to pears. You spit them at your dad when he was feeding them to you. We both reached up and covered your mouth with our hands. This was hilarious.
When you poo!
You are becoming very vocal. Sometimes you can lay on the floor for an hour just talking away. It's adorable. Usually mommy, daddy, Colten and Tyler poke our heads around the corner and just watch and listen. It's amazing to see you in action when you can't see us!
You are becoming very vocal. Sometimes you can lay on the floor for an hour just talking away. It's adorable. Usually mommy, daddy, Colten and Tyler poke our heads around the corner and just watch and listen. It's amazing to see you in action when you can't see us!
Your teething. You tolerate this very well. I've only had to give you tylenol/orajel a handful of times.
I can see the corner of your first tooth. I'm patiently waiting its arrival! They haven't broke skin yet but soon they will. I am ready for this to happen.
what mommy calls you. I have since you were born. Instead of just saying Morgan. I add the s.
My love -
this is what daddy calls me and now this is what I call you
Morgy-bear or Morgy-poo-bear - what Tyler calls you
Morgy-poo - what Colten calls you
Morgy poo-poo -
I add the extra poo when you are really stinky
Morgy super short stuff mcgillicutty -
What daddy calls you. Tyler is short stuff mcgillicutty so you are super short stuff mcgillicutty
What daddy calls you. Tyler is short stuff mcgillicutty so you are super short stuff mcgillicutty
You are very aware of your hands. Your motor skills have gone from 0 to reaching and touching everything in your sight.
You are a hair-puller. You are always grabbing a hold of mommy's hair. Some days I think you are going to rip it out.
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT MOMMY }*****
Mommy loves you. I love you to death. I'm so glad for this God given gift of giving life to you. I am blessed to have carried you throughout a healthy pregnancy.
I am enjoying being the mother of 3 beautiful children.
Life is full. Hectic. Lovely.
I wake up between 5 and 6am. I usually don't get to sleep until 11pm. My schedule has changed but that's o.k. I love getting up with you and finishing chores after you are asleep.
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT DADDY }*****
Daddy must have accidentally skipped this section.
Daddy has been busy lately. With the summer here he has been doing a lot of maintenance on the house. Cleaning gutters, mowing, planting grass, and just the usual upkeep of the exterior of the home. He's also been working hard. As always he wishes he had more time with you and your brothers.
*****{ YOUR BIG BROTHERS }*****
Your brothers love you so much they fight over you. Yep. I'm not thrilled most days with this but it is cute after the crying is done.
If I say please help Morgan...{ then the fight begins} They both race to you fighting along the way before I can even get the rest of the sentence out of my mouth including the name of the person I wanted to help.
They love you.
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{ April 5 } |
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{ April 12 } |
{ April 17 } |
{ April 26 } |
{ April 28 } |
{ April 28 } |
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