Colten's 10th Birthday
We threw Colten a baseball themed Party this year because he loves baseball so much. We also set up a baseball game that the kids and adults could play together. This was a blast! I haven't played baseball in years. Either have most of these parents. The pictures sort of speak for themselves.
First up the ball game:
We all piled into about 5 different cars and carpooled our way to Evans Elementary. A good friend of mine had his son bring his bases and his dad set them out in the field.
{ get ready for a TON of photos }
{ whoop whoop made it to 3rd } |
{ I believe he might have been laughing at my pitching skills } |
{ Colten was also a pitcher for his team } |
{ Kids were running back and forth drinking water. I believe it was about 90 out that day } |
{ Jamie was Jace's mom. She slammed this ball } |
{ I got called to be the pitcher in one inning. Struck my own husband out! WHOOP WHOOP! } |
{ competitive Jamie was the mad mom on the field! She played HARD } |
{ The birthday boy hit the ball hard. Got 2 people home including himself } |
{ sweet Morgan chilled out on the blanket the whole time in the shade of course } |
Beth was our baseball photo taker and our baby caregiver. She did a wonderful job! So thankful she was around to capture some memories for us.
We loaded back up in all the vehicles and headed back to the house. Kale and Dan cooked us up our hot dogs, baked beans and hamburgers. Beth and I set up the tables for our cookout.
Then I got a few pictures of all the kids being crazy!
{ Peyton} |
{Jace} |
{Tyler} |
{Zach} |
{Sebastion} |
{Birthday Boy} |
{Austin} |
{Adrian} |
{Tommy} |
{Jace catching peanuts that were flying in the air} |
{Then they had a peanut fight} |
{ Dan and Kale} |
{ Morgan slept through most of the party } |
{ Mommy and her birthday boy } |
{ The baseball moms } |
My Pinterest Fun for the Day:
Baseball themed cakes and treats
{ baseball birthday cake } |
{ baseball cakes } |
{ cracker jacks } |
{ peanuts galore } |
{ chocolate dipped and candy coated pretzels } |
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