Friday, September 23, 2011

My Squash - 30 weeks

30 Weeks Pregnant with Ladybug

Only 9 weeks until we meet Miss Ladybug! 

Ladybug Update:

We had a Doctors appointment this morning for Ladybug. 

Her Heart Rate was 134 bpm.

She weighed in at 3 lbs. 5oz. (give or take a few ounces)

And even though we have known the gender, I just wanted to make sure and YES. It is a girl. Yay!

We also got to see her for the first time on 3D ultrasound. It was interesting but I am not a big fan of the 3D for some weird reason. I prefer the regular ultrasound pics. The 3D ones sort of freak me out a little.

It was fun to see her playing around today. Me and Kale were both glued to the screen. She was doing the usual rolling and moving. She doesn't really have a lot of room but she's still just very active. She also had her foot and her hand in the area to see the gender so this took a few times to get a good pic.

Ladybug is very very active! She is always kicking and playing around. She plays with me sometimes. Last night I was feeling her feet roll across my tummy. I would roll my finger across her feet. Then she would roll her feet again. And we went back and forth a few more times. Yes, it might just be coincidence that we were doing this but it was cute. 

Here are some pics of our Ladybug:

While she was having her picture taken, she was opening and closing her mouth. It was funny to see. She was trying to "chomp" already!

Mommy Update:

Weight Gain: 21 pounds. To my surprise. I really have been feeling heavier than I ever have and thought that I had gained more. I guess with 2 months still remaining in this pregnancy there is always room for more weight gain!

My appetite is also back. I went through a phase where I wasn't sleeping at all this last few weeks. I also wasn't eating very much either. Now that I have been able to catch up on some rest, my appetite is back and I've been munching out.

I am currently "all belly" with this pregnancy. With Colten I was "all belly" and with Tyler it was all in my belly, hips and thighs! I was just huge with Tyler. Ladybug's pregnancy is more similar to Coltens as far as my size goes. I went to Motherhood yesterday and bought some fall clothing for the remaining of this pregnancy. To my surprise I went from an XS to a Small. I was thinking I was a lot bigger than this. But I am still all Belly with Laybug. I did get medium jeans because I want to be able to wear these jeans after I have the baby. I didn't want them to be snug around my c-section incision. So I played this one safe. At least I will have a few "after baby" outfits to wear out. I also can't wait until the last month of pregnancy to finally go and buy some "comfy" clothes for the hospital and after I get home. I'm thinking sweats all the way!

Sleep Update:

I'm doing o.k. I did finally get some rest this week. Maybe too much rest but it was so needed. I felt like a lazy bum. I would sleep all night, get up and put kids on bus then go back to bed for a few hours. My days didn't start (almost all week) until around 10 - 11 am. 

I did have trouble sleeping last night big time. I don't know what the deal is! I went to walk from the kitchen into the family room and stopped in my tracks in a lot of pain. The pain was in my hips and pelvic area. It really hurt. Kale made me sit down. The pain went away and we played basketball on the wii. Then we went upstairs to go to bed. I started having contractions. I had 6 within 1 hour. I didn't go in to hospital this time. I decided to take a warm bath and count for the next hour.

 Well, I fell asleep. The difference between now and before with these contractions is that there was a little pain in the pelvic area when I did have a contraction. I did get a little scared. So did Kale. He got very serious and told me to call a house cleaning lady and start having her clean the house. He says," I'm putting you on bed rest." It wasn't funny but the way he was acting was totally cute. He is such a good daddy for acting that way. I appreciate Kale when he goes from being a total goofball to serious when it matters. There are times that we both don't exactly pay attention to each other sometimes but when it really matters, Kale is always all ears and firm with the family. I like that balance with him.

We talked to the Doctor about what happened last night and she said that since I am carrying so low into my pelvic cavity that it's normal to experience this. Especially where I am with the pregnancy. They are Braxton Hicks of course. They always have been. She said that these things will not put me into actual labor. Just keep doing what I am doing and make sure to count if they start again.

I do have the fear right now that I am just going to be really tired for the remaining of this pregnancy. I feel as if I am just not able to get motivated. I haven't really been doing a whole lot of extra things around the house lately. Just the daily maintenance when it comes to the usual housework and cooking supper. I am getting nervous that if my energy level doesn't get any better that I won't be able to finish the few things I have left for Ladybugs room. This will make me very sad. But I guess as long as it gets done eventually that things will be o.k. The necessities are all we are worried about at this point. 

My face has also stayed unusually clear throughout this pregnancy. I had some acne issues with Colten's pregnancy. Totally embarrassing but I was so young that it could have just been normal for my age. Tylers wasn't so bad either. With this pregnancy I had a few breakouts when I first got pregnant but also used cheap walmart cleanser. I have continued to use the clinique line and have been very pleased with the results. I never break out. It's pricey but worth it. 

Daddy Update:

Kale is doing well. He continues to be supportive with me during this pregnancy. He has learned my ups and downs. 

He is definitely pleasing me along the lines of accepting that every single day I am going to be counting down this pregnancy. I understand that I am the one pregnant and for him, I think his "moment" will come when he hears her first cry. And it's o.k. that he jokes with me. Not too long ago I had mentioned that I was only 3 months away from meeting her. He then would turn around and say, "3 months and 2 weeks." It was so annoying at first obviously because any time that I can skim off the top in my mind sounds good. I'm the one who is pregnant. So we did this for a while. I would get really mad! Even if I was just a few days off he would remind me that it was actually 2 months and then he would say it. GRRR

So last night I had said to him ,"Oh my goodness. We are only 2 months out from having her!" He chuckled a little and said, " 2 months and 1 week." I started laughing because there is humor there to be recognized. Now that we are closer to our due date than ever before, I think it's cute. 

And some more pics of the preggo. Kale thought he would be funny and snap pics of me getting ready for our Doctors appointment...

Afterall, I usually don't get the chance to make an appearance :)

I was actually in a fantastic mood and felt great. I feel beautiful during this pregnancy and my body has treated me well (besides being overly tired).

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