Thursday, September 22, 2011

Visit From Tache and Papa

Tache and Papa came to visit about 3 weeks ago. I am so behind on posts!

September 10, 2011

It was nice having Tache and Papa come visit. They came in the evening before my birthday. They offered to take care of boys so Kale could take me out for my birthday. We had errands to run the next morning. We went and picked up Ladybugs crib and Kale's glasses. We actually ran into them at Walmart. We were in the vision center and they were buying the boys stuff. The boys actually didn't really want anything to do with us. After all, they were being spoiled by more grandparents!

So while Kale and I ran errands, Tache and Papa drove the boys around town picking out toys. Colten got a spy watch and Tyler got a gun that makes lots of noise (of course).

Then we all met back at the house. The boys were snuggled up with the grandparents. Colten took a liking to Papa and little Tyler was all over Tache. It was fun to see them "pick" a favorite not that anyone is mentioning favorites or anything :)

Late that night while Kale and I went out for my birthday date, Tache and Papa took the boys to the Imax theatre. They went and watched smurfs. Tache said it was a cute movie. Papa said that Tyler went to fill up his drink and forgot to take the lid off so Mountain Dew spewed everywhere. What a night with a 5 and 9 year old.

They ate up the attention and got practically everything little boys want when they go to the movies!

It was very nice seeing the grandparents and having them around. Wish they could have stayed longer but there is always next time!

I didn't get the chance to get many pictures because we were all running around all day long BUT here are a few:

Tache and Tyler

Papa and Colten

I was happy to celebrate my birthday and having the grandparents in town. It was fun. I also got something from Tache that was very special. We "nicknamed" our daughter Ladybug until she is born. Well Tache found this clipping from the newspaper and brought it to me. 

Very Sweet! This will go in Ladybugs baby book.

Mrs. Preggo on her birthday #29 

This pic is so blurry :(

There is actually a story behind this one! So Kale and I get through with our dinner date. I decided I wanted to go to the mall and find some more maternity clothes. Well, I am tired and full. So this didn't exactly work out for me that well. But Kale had fun. We were walking out of Macy's to leave and he sees this hat. He is as bad as a child! He puts the hat on. Then he checks the price tag and says,"seriously, who pays $30.00 for a chicken hat?" I laughed and told him to take it off. He then decides he is going to close in on my face very slowly and then he does the cockadoodledoo all up in my face! It was so funny that I literally almost peed my pants! I was so embarrassed! Kale!!

More to Come


The Shank Family


  1. It was nice meeting Tache & Papa on here. Who are they to you guys? Loved the chicken hat, Kale!!
    Smurfs was a great movie!!

  2. Tache and Papa are Kale's grandparents from Salina, KS. They are too cute and too funny!!


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