Thursday, September 8, 2011

She's Still My Eggplant

28 Weeks  with Ladybug
Yay Finally...3rd Trimester

I almost had to take my own picture as I did in the beginning of this pregnancy. Thankfully Kale was still awake to take it for me :)

Ladybug Update:

Ladybug is doing well. She is still very active and loves to hear daddy's voice. It's strange sometimes that when Kale and I are talking is when she is the most active. I know it might sound funny but this is very true. Kale will start talking to me and she just starts kicking and going to town.

Her heart rate a week ago when we had our Doctors visit was 150 bpm.

The Doctor measured my belly and said that I am growing within normal range. So baby is not too big or too small.

Mommy Update:

I had a few tests performed when I went to the Doctors. The first one was a gestational diabetes test. I was negative for developing this during pregnancy. Yay.

I also had a hemoglobin test performed. I did get a call back for this. The nurse called and asked if I was feeling weak or tired. I explained to her that for this entire last week I have been extremely tired. I have been sleeping most of the day. This is NOT like me to do. The nurse explained that my hemoglobin level was very low. I basically am anemic. I've actually always been anemic but with the pregnancy and not supplementing with iron pills, this has drastically taken it's toll on me. The normal level for a woman my age is between 12.1 and 15.1. My hemoglobin level was 10.6. Doesn't seem that low but I guess it really is. Explains why I have been sleeping non-stop for a week.

I had to go to the grocery store and purchase some inexpensive iron tablets today. I am to take 325 mg a day. The normal bottle sold over the counter is 28 mg. So that was a little shocking to me when I couldn't find a bottle over 28 mg. The pharmacy carried higher doses of this medication. So that takes care of that. Hopefully here soon this starts to help me not feel so tired. Maybe then I can start blogging your eyes out! And of course work on all the projects for Ladybug that I have not had the energy for!

Other than all of that mess, things are pretty good with this preggo.

My weight gain so far is only 18 pounds. I am still within a healthy range but I totally expected to gain more. I am wondering if this will happen soon. With all the sleeping I have been doing lately, eating just hasn't been my thing. It's almost as if I eat just enough when I do get hungry. I haven't really been snacking a whole lot this last week. As long as I am healthy I guess it's o.k.

Daddy Update:

Kale is doing good. He continues to work way too much. He is also very tired all the time. I might be making him an appointment as well here soon to find out why. We have so many things around the house to do and it seems as if we are both just way too tired to do anything.

Other than this Kale is doing well. He continues to be very supportive of all of my mood swings and baby raves I decide to go on. I love to shop for Ladybug.

He continues to check on me daily here and there throughout my day to see how I am feeling. He does this anyways but with the pregnancy it helps to talk to him throughout the day. Even if things are o.k. I love talking to him about stuff.

Well, more to come.
The Shank Family

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