{ had no idea I didn't post this before I left for Florida. A little late but here it is }
Morgan Elaine
* Four Months *
*****{ STATS }*****
11 pounds 10 oz
22 3/4 inches long
size : 0-3 mo's
Finally wearing clothes that aren't newborn. You are wearing 0-3 mo's in clothes. You are finally able to wear your newborn shoes but they don't stay on very long.
You are wearing the last of your newborn diapers and starting to wear size.
*****{ HEALTH & DIET }*****
Your over-all health is great little one.
Weight issues are no longer a problem. You are still a tiny little thing. You have gotten chunky over this last month. I love your thighs.
Normally you drink 6 oz of formula. We have started putting rice cereal in your bottle to give you something extra. Most of the time you barely get through your 6 oz.
Before bedtime you eat a small amount of rice cereal with applesauce. Goodness you love applesauce.
*****{ SCHEDULE }*****
You sleep well my child. You never wake during the night. Most of the time if you do wake up before me I change your diaper and snuggle with you. We usually fall asleep together in mommy's bed until around 7:30. Sometimes you will sleep until 8:30 and I have to wake you up.
You are now sleeping in the top part of your play pin. Your crib isn't ready for you yet.
*****{ FIRSTS }*****
March 9 - First time eating baby food
March 19 - "First time rolling over" and we witnessed it
You are such a snuggle bug! You love to be snuggled with and you snuggle back.
You are always grabbing my face. Usually my nose. I love it. Sometimes if I'm not careful you will slip one of your fingers inside my nostril and squeeze. This doesn't feel too great but I usually laugh.
You are a hair grabber. What baby isn't? I have to put my hair back in a pony if I'm snuggling or else you twist my hair into your fingers and pull.
~ mommy
Well, it's official. You are a Shank. I think you have even passed me on the food intake and discharge.
I love that you are beginning to make more noise in your excitement. I enjoy making up words for you as you roll around and make baby sounds. I just know you are trying to tell us something but you just can not get it out.
It is awesome watching you learn what your hands and feet are for. I never knew someone could get so much enjoyment out of waving their arms in the air.
*****{ WHAT WE MISS }*****
I think this month I miss how tiny you were. Every time I pick you up you squirm. It's cute but I can't hold you like a little newborn anymore. ~mommy
I miss how you slept on my chest when you were younger. ~ daddy
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT YOU }*****
Still stubborn as can be.
You like to be in control of your bottle. I mean really Morgan? At four months you are holding your bottle like a little genius. The funny part is that you take control. You won't even let me hold it for you. Your little hands just grab.
Your adorable and make everyone around you smile.
You have turned into a drooler! Drooling everywhere all the time.
Mar 12 |
You have started moving this month. A lot. Sometimes too much. This is what I catch you doing when you use your swing. I've had to start strapping you in this month!
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Mar 5 |
You really really like holding your own bottle! Have I already mentioned this? Seriously..With one hand!
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Mar 15 |
You love music. Especially when daddy sings it to you.
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT MOMMY }*****
Mommy is well.
Mommy is tired.
Mommy has her hands FULL!
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT DADDY }*****
Daddy is enjoying life. I am taking every opportunity possible to spend time with you and your brothers. It's just not fare that I have to spend so much of my day at work. We will have to work on that.
*****{ YOUR BIG BROTHERS }*****
Your brothers adore you. They always will.
They are always very helpful when it comes to your care. They will go and get anything for you.
Tyler likes to dance for you. He's always dancing and singing. You could be in the middle of a little fit and the minute he walks into the room you are immediately consumed.
Colten is still emotional when it comes to you. If you cry at ALL he totally freaks and tries to figure out why you are crying. Sometimes you are just whining. He doesn't understand that yet. He will soon enough. He is at your rescue. I think he always will be.
Mar 2 |
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Mar 16 |
Mar 17 |
This month has been challenging. Your teething and growing. You are such an awesome part of this family. I think you tie us all together Morgan.
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