Friday, April 13, 2012

Very Sick Shanks

I wanted to briefly send out a post about our health.

It's nothing threatening by any means but it's not so great either.

Week of March 26 - 30

 Kale started feeling sick. That Tuesday he came home from work sick.  I sent him to Urgent Care. He was sent home with some medication. Kale is the kind of person - for him to miss work - it must be pretty bad. He just doesn't miss work.

He slept things off that day and night and returned to work the next day. Still not feeling that great he duked it out and went on.

April 5

By the weekend he was o.k and seeing little Morgan and myself off to Florida on a plane. He felt great over the weekend and so did the boys.

We thought it was just a small bug he got and it's gone and over.

When we got to Florida Morgan started acted really weird. We { my family and I } assumed she was tired from the trip. She was spitting up a lot more than usual. Her poo's were also a lot more loose than normal. Then out to eat at Olive Garden and she projectile vomits across the table. I mean seriously. You think I would have gotten the hint my daughter was sick. I so didn't. She also just went through a formula brand change. So with all those factors involved I didn't really get alarmed.

April 8

Well the morning I was to fly home with Morgan wasn't so good for me. I woke up and had this incredible headache that covered my skull, down my neck and some of my spine. I was in a lot of discomfort.

By that night I was in bed. I sort of just slept. Then it got worse. I was in tears. My stomach pain was just so overwhelming I couldn't do anything but cry. I did take a few of the pills Kale had for stomach cramps.

The day I found out I was sick two of my family members from Florida were also sick.  I also found out the little boy {2 yrs old} that I babysit during the week was sick too.

April 10

I  kept Tyler home from school Tuesday because he said he wasn't feeling well. I though I better keep him home so I don't have to get in a car and drive to get him from school. 

So this lasts { for me } from Sunday through today. I am feeling better besides this headache I can't get to go away and slight nausea.

Morgan is feeling much better. She is active, playful, and smiling away. She is a little irritable but other than that she is eating well.

Kale is running around the house taking care of everyone. Feeding everyone. Dishes. Baseball Practice.  Poor Guy!

April 11

The day I start feeling better Kale texts me and tells me to add him to the list of sick people. I said Oh No! He came home vomiting. Poor guy. He took care of me while I was sick this whole time and thankfully I am well enough to take care of him again.

April 12

Kale ended up being too sick to return to work. He was in bad shape!


Kale went back to work this morning. He isn't up to par but isn't bedridden anymore. I am o.k. besides my stomach being in knots from this flu. Tyler is o.k. to return to school again. I don't believe he was ever sick actually. No symptoms. He was just being a mama's boy. I was too sick to really mind if he stayed home and snuggled with us.

Christian { the 2 year old I watch } is also better.

This has been a VERY rough week!

All-a-while Colten actually survived! He never got sick. He's a lucky little man.

I know this is strange but when a slight minute passed that things were calm in this house I did get some pictures because I am little miss picture taker.

Morgan's bloated Tummy :(

Pancakes from Kale. I got served in bed. Any other time this would be at treat but I actually disliked the fact I was confined to my bed.

Christian and Tyler being snuggle bugs

Morgan finally falls asleep after a fussy episode of not feeling very well

And finally she is feeling a little better

I am so glad this is over. I am crossing my fingers that this is over. An entire week spent in bed very ill for our whole family is enough for me.

I am still praying for Colten's health to remain good. I really can't handle anymore.

I guess I know what my weekend looks like:

Cleaning. Scrubbing. Washing & disinfecting EVERYTHING.  My efforts might help. I pray that no one else gets sick and that my family starts getting back to normal again.

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