Sunday, July 31, 2011

Tyler's Last Days as a Preschooler

Tyler starts Kindergarten on August 4!! Yay Tyler. Along with "not being the baby anymore" he has a lot of growing up to do. One thing daddy and I are looking for on the Internet are age appropriate chores for a 5 year old!

I really can't wait to find the right list and put Tyler to work. He will of course earn money for his piggy bank and bank account BUT it will be harder than ever for Tyler to make this transition.

Over this last weekend, daddy wanted to test some of Tyler's kindergarten skills. He asked Tyler to count to twenty. Tyler counted ONE, TWO, THREE, and so on until he reached twenty. But he skipped thirteen! Every time daddy would ask Tyler to count to twenty, Tyler would skip thirteen.

So daddy made Tyler write and say thirteen for two days. At the end of this long mind-boggling weekend, Tyler was asked again to count to twenty. Well he did it. I got a call from Kale while I was at work today with the exciting news. Daddy made a deal with Tyler that if he (at any point during this two days) could count to twenty without skipping thirteen that he would take him to Mickey D's for a treat.

Here is the evidence supporting this triumphant day for Mr. Tyler Shank (and daddy too!!!)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Tyler's Adoption Update:

Most of you already know that Kale is adopting my (our) youngest son Tyler as his own. We have been playing a very long waiting game with this whole deal. The paperwork came a week ago for Kale and I to fill out together. It was the new Birth Certificate paperwork. YAY! This means we only have a few more steps and Tyler will officially be Tyler James Shank. Right now we are patiently waiting on a court date. When we go to court, the judge will address many questions with Kale and I and of course our attorney too. We have already been sent the adoption approval, the release for adoption signed by the biological father and the passed home study visit. So we patiently wait and wait and wait.

Kale becomes very anxious from time to time wanting me to constantly call our attorney and get updates. I always tell him that time is a factor in this adoption. But Kale, being the father of Tyler in every way, everyday, is getting to the point where he just wants to be able to legally sign Tyler as Tyler Shank.

As a mom, it's probably one of the most wonderful feelings in the world to be able to feel what I am feeling right now. A man who steps in for two children that aren't his own and taking on all the challenges of becoming a father. It was hard for Kale at first. There were a lot of ups and downs for both of us. Me recovering from my drug addiction and learning to be a mom again and at the same exact time, Kale stepping in the picture and becoming a father practically overnight.

Kale has done well and Tyler sure does call him daddy. It overwhelms me still when I hear my little one calling Kale daddy. It's the sweetest thing I hear all day long. "Daddy, what are you doing"? And Kale will reply in that soft gentle fatherly tone. I absolutely couldn't be happier knowing that the Lord sent Kale to us.

I thank the Lord above for everything he has provided for our family!

And of course a picture for this post is much needed. I came home to find my boys getting lots of one-on-one time and passing out doing so!! (this pic is about 8 months old but still - worth the captured moment)

How sweet is this!!

#22 - (Necessities List Update) - A Glider Rocker on a Budget!

 Again on the necessities list we have the glider rocker. I really want a glider rocker for Ladybug. It will help a lot! BUT one small little problem. With ALL the things we have to purchase for Ladybugs arrival, I haven't been able to find an "affordable" glider rocker in white wood. The ones I was able to find online were anywhere between $215.00 and $400.00.

Ladybugs Furniture is all white wood. Seriously, I didn't think it would be this hard to find a glider rocker in white wood but it was. Kale got smart and did a craigslist search for glider rocker. The search results yielded 4 different gliders. The last one we viewed was in-deed a WHITE WOOD GLIDER ROCKER!! It was ugly and the fabric is terrible BUT with a little TLC and a makeover, I could buy this rocker and recover it making it perfect for ladybugs room!

Here is our Craigslist STEAL for $50.00

I can't wait ( along with MANY other projects) to refashion this glider rocker for Ladybugs nursery!!

Ladybugs Room Decor - Fabric

Well after talking it over with daddy - Ladybug finally has her room decor fabric on the way. We were going to pick subtle colors for her nursery but with the walls being somewhat of a grayish tan we figured lets go all out and give her room some JAZZ! I visited and chose some fabric. These prints were actually on a coordinating fabric block and I just chose which ones I wanted to incorporate into Ladybugs room. Here is a small collage of the fabrics that will make up Ladybugs room:


There is lots of black, white and pink here. Kinda Scary.

Here's the breakdown of what I will be creating for my Ladybug:

1. Crib Skirt
2. Crib Bumper
3. Lamp Shades
4. Child Size Bean Bag
5. Curtains
6. Quilt
7. Recovering her Glider Rocker
8. Totes for Storage

I spent about $200.00 on fabric today. BUT...I have been viewing a lot of really nice crib bumper skirting sets with blanket/quilt and they range from $150 -$200 bucks a set! That's outrageous. At least this way we will have a whole room full of awesome fabric prints for the same cost of just one bedding set for Ladybug.

I feel I might have a LOT of sewing to do in the near future. I will have to post a pic of each item I create for Ladybug as I will be extremely proud to be able to say I did it! I have never made ANY of these items myself so this should be really fun and interesting. And thanks to a family member, if I run into any problems I can always consult her!!! I can't wait till this fabric arrives so I can get started!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Ladybugs Room Decor on a Budget: THE PLAN

I really sometimes wish I had all the money in the WORLD! To create a beautiful room for Ladybug would be so much easier but probably NO FUN! So I have put together some photos of  "Ladybug" appropriate decor I found all over the Internet (O.K. Mostly Pottery Barn Kids My Favorite Site):

Some items I plan on making myself or with the help of a crafty family member:

Wrought Iron with glass accents: Decorative Pendants
$24-$29 each

I cannot make these myself but I have asked a family member to create them for me then I will add on the glass pendants.

I really like the frames behind the butterflies. I couldn't find them priced but making these sure would be fun.
The butterflies are also so adorable. I could also attempt to create these myself.  Small Butterfly $24.00 Large Butterfly $39.00

Ladybug Pick #1

Silver Leaf Oval First Year Frame

My Awesome Find:

First Year Frame JoAnne Fabrics @ 40% off

Ladybug Pick #2

Polka Dot Curtains from in Green
$69 per panel which is about $25.84 a yard

Polka Dot Panel in Pink

My Awesome Find:

Polka Dot Fabric from JoAnn Fabrics in Green
$6.99 per yard

And in Pink!!

Price Per Yard Difference:  $18.85

Pottery Barn Kids Cost Per Panel: $69.00
My Do It Yourself Cost for each Panel: $18.67


Ladybug Pick #3

Small Lamp from

Large Lamp from
Base: $154.00  Lamp Shade: $29.99

My Awesome Find:

Lamps that I pulled from the attic!! We bought these a little while ago and decided when we purchased new couches we would also purchase new lamps. These lamps are at my disposal.
Cost for lamp bases: FREE$$$

Self Adhesive Lamp Shades from JoAnn Fabrics
$4.99-$18.99 assorted sizes
I would simply pick out material and cover!!

Ladybug Pick # 4

Metal Clip for Curtains from
$22.00 Set of 10

My Awesome Find:

Metal Clips from JoAnn Fabrics
$9.99 Set of 10

Ladybug Pick #5

Keepsake Boxes from

My Awesome Find:

Keepsake Boxes from JoAnn Fabrics
$1.99 on sale

I could cover these easily with Fabric and Fabric Glue! These would be so cute made with some of the same fabric I have chose for her room!
Even though these items are NOT necessities I am really hoping to save up the extra cash to execute these plans and share the end result with you!

Tyler and Colten's bedroom was also planned using mostly Pottery Barn Kids Room Ideas.
We are still working on their rooms as well and hope to finish soon (before ladybug arrives) and update that post as well!

We love you all. More to come

The Shank Family

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

#22 - (Necessities List Update) - Kales Craziest Find Yet


This crazy looking nasal aspirator gets a pic all by itself. Kale and I are in Babies R Us throwing little items in our basket when all of a sudden he walks up to me with this! I am like NO! It's ugly and weird. I do not want to suck buggers from my daughters nose with this crazy thing! But Kale wins of course! Here is Kale's crazy must have for the week:

seriously dad?

#22 - (Necessities List Update) - Ladybugs First Official Outfit

#22 was Ladybugs necessities List. Within that list was picking out Ladybugs First official outfit. Here's the story!!

 I would like to share with everyone some pictures Kale and I took before we found out gender. I thought it was a boy so I stood in front of the fireplace holding up a baby boy onesie. Kale stood in front of the fireplace holding up a baby girl onesie...The winner was of course daddy with the cute little girl onesie:

Go Daddy!!! The first baby outfit for a girl winner goes to daddy.

Then we went to a BBQ at our friends house (Beth and Dan Titzer). She bought me a onesie for a little girl. I looked at her really funny and said, "Well we don't know the gender yet". She replied, "It's a girl".  I thought to myself she's crazy!
Well, the 2nd baby outfit for a girl runner up goes to Beth!

Despite the baby girl outfits listed here, this really is Ladybugs first official outfit she will wear home from the hospital.

An emotional day: Kale and I set out on a mission. The mission being Ladybugs first outfit. This outfit would be cute! She would wear this outfit home from hospital and knowing she will be born while it is cold out, we figured we might get lucky and find something. My hormones are raging and I am fed up after just about an hour of shopping. There were so many choices. We went from JCPenney to Dillard's to Macy's back to Dillard's. UGH! I'm tired already! Well, daddy sort of took over which I didn't see coming. I stormed off and headed to the food court. Maybe I was in a bad mood because I was hungry. Well just about 30 minutes later I got my snack on and headed back to Kale. He had already chosen Ladybug's first outfit. Kale looked sooo cute holding it up and smiling - what was I supposed to say? So of course we purchased it right away.

I couldn't be happier today knowing that daddy got to pick out this first outfit.

A Nervous Post by a Nervous Mom

The 2011/2012  School year is approaching quickly. Colten will be going into the 4th grade! I know. He is getting so big already. Before I know it he will be in high school and I will have a head full of grey hair. Tyler is moving onto Kindergarten. I actually didn't see this coming. Why? Because he has been my sweet little man for 5 years!

Now the time has come to grow him UP! What comes along with sending a 5 year old to kindergarten? Lots of tears, Lots of Hugs, and Lots of Responsibility!

I am so very nervous. Kale looks at things in the financial sense. He always has and always will. That is what makes him the DAD! We no longer have to pay for Preschool Daycare Costs!! WOO HOO!!

But being the MOM I am so scared of sending my cute little Tyler off to Kindergarten. Colten told me before he left to go visit his dad in Texas that it would be o.k Mom. I will take care of him. I thought how sweet. Would it be toooo much if I stalked my 5 year old at his elementary school?

Will he ride the bus? Will he know where to go? Will he get lost in the school? Will he know where the bathroom is? Will he behave? Will he get a girlfriend? AHHHHHHH!!!!

I should learn to chill out a little but how? This is devastating. With a baby on the way we have been telling Tyler,"your not the baby anymore." But he still is to me.

I will definitely keep this post close to heart and update the entire family on the new post:

"Tyler's first day of Kindergarten"!!

#22 - Create Necessities list for all of Ladybugs newborn items

This task is complete! Kale and I have finally sat down and created this list. We had trouble at first distinguishing between the wants and needs and of course we knew we had to slim this list. Budgeting for a new baby is harder than we thought. There are so many things we want for this baby its unbelievable!

Well here is the list:


Crib -1
Bassinet -1
Furniture -1
Glider Rocker -1
Monitor -1
Crib Mobile -1
Night Light -1
Dimmer Light -1
Crib Sheets - 4
Crib Bumper -1
Crib Mattress - 1
Hamper -1
Baby Blankets -4


Diaper Pail -1
Wipes Warmer -1
Sids Mat -1
Diapers -340 
Baby Powder - 2
Diaper Cream -2
Nursery Organizer -1
Wipes - 4 boxes


Baby's First Official Outfit -1
Hats -4
Onesies -10 to 12
Pants - 5 to 8
Socks - 10 to 12 


Hooded Towel - 2
Wash Cloths - 6 to 8
Baby Soap - 2
Baby Tub -1
Baby Lotion -2 
Nail Clippers -2


Breast Pump -1
Bottles -6 
Bottle Rack -1
Bottle Brush -1
Bottle Warmer -1
Bibs - 6 to 8
Burp Cloths - 10
Back up Formula -2
Milk Bags - 2 boxes
Drop in bottle liners -4 boxes 


Baby carrier to wear on chest -1
Diaper Bag -2
Car Seat -1
Car Seat Cover -1
Travel Wipes Case -1
Strap Pads -1
Changing Pad -1
Head Support -1


Thermometer- 1
Medicine Binky -1 
Nasal Aspirator -2
Binky's -10


Baby Swing -1
Bouncer -1
Boppie -1
Boppie Covers -2
Receiving Blankets -8 to 10  (2 of 10)


Photo Frame - 2
Keepsake Boxes -4
Baby Book -1
Soft Toys -2
Baby Detergent -4
Mittens for hands - 6 to 8
Alcohol and Cotton Balls -2
Instant Hand Sanitizer Machine -1
Stroller -1

Wow! What a list...
We have some of this but have barely made a dent. In a little less than 4 months to go we better hop on this crazy spending ride for new baby !!

~We will also put up subposts to this post for the items we do purchase...
We would like our families to stay updated with what we have purchased. #1 mistake of newborn parents: Purchasing waaayyyy tooo much!

We will be sending out a link to our gift registry soon to anyone who might be interested in knowing what we need for Ladybug.

#4 - Pick Out Paint Colors

Well, we finally chose paint colors for Ladybugs room yesterday. Has this task been accomplished? Not sure yet but we will update. We searched the internet for some baby girl room ideas and these are a few we came up with...

This room was by far my favorite. I would have maybe chose a toned down version of this wallpaper. Daddy said NO to wallpaper.

I really liked the way the white stood out from the paint color on the walls in this photo. The color on the walls is Benjamen Moore 'North Hampton Beige'. This color would look lovely with all of Ladybugs white furniture.

I am not too big on purple but I loved the flowers on the walls. This is an idea we could incorporate.

I also do not like the purple color on the walls but loved the garden take. This is also would be another idea we could incorporate. Kale likes the butterflies painted onto the wall.

Love Love Love the PINK! Ladybugs furniture will be all white just like in this photo. But not only would it be expensive, all of the patterns I like do not always coordinate with each other and the pink on the walls.

I absolutely love black checkered patterns. I always imagined this when and if I ever had a baby girl. Don't know if finding the right fabric is possible but I love pink on black anything. Daddy said no to wallpaper and having something like this put on the walls hand painted or what not just wouldn't be in budget. So, I also plan on using this photo to help decorate Ladybugs room. I also really like the cute framed letters. That's adorable.

Originally Kale and I chose three paint colors for ladybugs room.

Kale actually chose these colors at Lowes BEFORE we even knew it was a girl. Like I mentioned before, he knew all along it was a girl. I never once thought it was strange that we didn't pick out boy colors.

Anyways - We were going to use these three colors in the room. Bottom right for the walls just like in one of the photos above, Bottom left for the trim and the top right color for something else. I can't quite remember how it all went. Anyways. Then I became afraid that we would be overwhelmed with PINK. I want her room to be full of girly colors and patterns but the entire room to be PINK? I am just not sure.

We chose to finally purchase some paint yesterday. We went to Benjamen Moore and bought a sample of the North Hampton Beige. We figured this way her furniture would stand out from the paint color and the paint color is neutral enough to go with any pattern as far as decor went. So, I have sample painted her room this morning. The paint color we chose is the color on the walls in photo number 2. I am thinking I like it already. But before we proceed, daddy has to check it out. I might go today and get the dark pink color that is in the paint samples above and throw some on the walls. Ya never know. Ladybugs furniture is all white and I don't want the room to look stark. Owell, we have a lot of choices to make but will keep this post updated...

Monday, July 18, 2011

#6 - Install New Dimmer Light

Yay! Another task complete except this time daddy did it. I came home from work Friday and Kale had installed the new dimmer light into Ladybug's room.

Now Ladybugs room can be bright when shes awake and dim when she is sleeping.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Family Fun

Summer Vacation 2011 Lake Powell, Utah

Thank you Tami and Randy for such a wonderfully planned trip to Lake Powell, Utah.

This took me forever to post! But it is finally here.

We had quite a little adventure. It was fun, exhausting, exciting, scary and all the above in 5 days!!!
We lived on a beautiful houseboat in the middle of the Canyons on Lake Powell. There were 19 people all together. We are so blessed to have met the rest of the crew! Spending time with that many people on one houseboat posed a lot of challenges! Sleeping, eating, and little Sawyer learning how to open doors. It was a blast though! There are so many pictures! I don't even know where to start!!! A slide show is definitely the way to go with this many pics!

This vacation was sooo needed! We had so much fun. Hanging out with family, swimming, boating, eating, making smores, playing games, and just having a blast in the summer sun!

Thanks again Tami and Randy for everything. We loved spending this time with you and the kiddos! Me and the kids really enjoyed meeting everyone and hanging out!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

#18: Pick Out Material And Make Homemade Burpees

Oh I have had some extra time on my hands lately. I got a really great and relaxing few days off of work and decided to finally put my fabric to good use.

Task #18 Complete! Pick out material and make homemade burpees

This was a lot of fun even though it consumed my entire morning. I even ate breakfast later than usual because I was so excited to make these.

P.S. I have been using white thread and my mom purchased me some already threaded bobbins in white and black. I am NOT a very good bobbin threader!!!Unfortunately the thread I needed to use was cream colored to match the material. WHAT? I HAVE TO THREAD MY OWN BOBBIN????  I really biffed it this am getting my thread wrapped around the underside of the bobbin not ONCE but TWICE!! I was so mad. Finally I got the hang of it and the rest of this sewing adventure went very well!

30 Things in 144 Days...Preparing for LadyBug

I have created a list of all the things I need to take care of before "Ladybug" arrives. This should be interesting considering I am working a lot and have no time to do anything!!!


In Progress

 Room/Furniture and walls:

1. Clean the room really well. (This includes finding out where I am going to put the computer desk at in our home. It is large and takes up a lot of space.)
2. Shampoo the carpet
3. Organize closet giving "ladybug" half of the space
4. Pick out Paint Colors
5. Paint the room
6. Install new dimmer light
7. When furniture arrives, arrange nicely
8. Get some rest


9. Pick out material for curtains & Make myself
10. Choose some simple decor and place on walls-possibly make myself
11. Create whimsical to hang in room-possibly create myself
12. Pick out material for cloth totes and cloth hamper & make myself : if I can :)
13. Pick out material for crib bumper, crib skirt, and quilt. Make myself
14. Find some really awesome room decor and create myself
15. Put together Ladybugs first photo album and place in her room
16. Get some rest


17. Decorate at least 5 onesies myself
18. Pick out material and make "homemade" burpees
19. Pick out material and make at least 2 blankets for Ladybug myself
20. Recover Glider Rocker
21. Get some rest

Everything Else:

22. Create a "necessities" list for purchasing all of Ladybugs newborn items
23. Create Gift Registry
24. Attend Ladybugs Baby Shower
25. Organize everything into ladybugs room
26.  Pick a name for Ladybug
27. Pack Bag for Ladybug, Daddy and me for Hospital trip
28. Get grandma here to take care of boys!!
29. Get some rest
30. And last but not least take photo and document successful tasks on blog

Chenille Baby Burpees

Chenille Baby Burpees
I found this project on the internet. Since I am having a little girl, I figured what better than to have a few make it yourself and oh soooo cute baby burpees.

First, Hit up the fabric store and purchase some pretty chenille and coordinating cotton fabric:


For this project you will need the following supplies:
1.5  yards of chenille fabric
1.5 yards of cotton fabric
Measuring tape
sewing pins
Coordinating thread
Sewing machine

Note: the amount of fabric I chose makes 6 baby burpees

Note: Pre-wash your fabric before starting your project.


After washing and drying your fabric, trim off any excess material/threads.


Now you will want to cut your fabric. I chose to lay the  fabric one on top of the other than cut the fabric together. I chose to do the measuring by deciding the coverage I wanted each burpee to be. I like a wide long burpee. The size I chose to go with was 9"x18". This allows me to have the 1/2 in. seam allowance giving me a burpee that measures 8"x17" when finished.


Next, you need to pin your fabric together. Do this by laying the fabric on top of each other...( pattern and chenille facing each other)  Then pin around 3 edges.


Sew with a simple stitch all 3 sides. When you are finished sewing, cut off excess material leaving about 1/4 inch along outside of stitching. When done, flip your burpee right side out.


Top stitch around all 4 sides of burpee. Cut off any excess material from the open end of the burpee that you just sealed.


Your all done with this project. A little time-consuming but not bad. Now you have adorable chenille baby burpees for your kids or as a gift!! Enjoy!

Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Sweet Potato - 18 weeks

18 Weeks and 5 Days

Baby Shank Update:

Went to our gender ultrasound appointment today! Baby Shank is doing great. Anatomy came back good. Baby has all 10 fingers and all 10 toes!!

Baby's heart rate was 140 BPM.

Baby is moving around like a little tubleweed!

And for the Announcement of Baby's gender:


We are thrilled that it's a girl.

When Kale and I went in for the ultrasound we thought o.k. we will know what it is right away. Well, the ultrasound tech looked twice and then did a complete anatomy of the baby before she would tell us what it was. I looked so hard but without my darn glasses I couldn't see anything. I kept saying, "It's a boy? Is it a boy?"
She said hold on. Up, it's a girl. I was like what? I was shocked. Kale has known for some reason and ever since we saw baby for the first time, he has called Baby Shank a she.

While we were boating on Lake Powell, Tache mentioned that Kristen ( kale's sister) should have a nickname for her baby again. Tache asked us what our's was. We had NO idea. We do now. Don't know where it came from or why. There is no reason really. But Baby Shank is no longer. We will now refer to Baby as "LADYBUG"

Here is a new picture of "LADYBUG"


Mommy Update:

Oh doing good. I have been working everyday and will continue to do so for the next couple months. Then it's vacation time for ME! I can't wait to be off work, relaxing, hitting that awesome "nesting" phase where I clean and prepare for LadyBug to arrive.

I have gained 2 more pounds! Grrr! That puts my total weight gain so far at around 11 pounds. I am wondering if I will make it to only gain my 25-30 pounds for pregnancy. I really need to start watching what I eat or hit the gym more often. I haven't gone in a week because of working so much.

Ahh Maternity clothes! They have now become my best friend. We are o.k. with eachother. LOVE THEM!

I am sleeping great lately except for lastnight. I decided to clean and scrub my kitchen. Pack Kale his lunch. Make him a pot of coffee and go to bed around um 11:00. Then got my little butt up with Kale at 2:30 (for him to go to work early) and started cleaning the bathroom while he was occupying it. Wow. I have NO idea what has gotten into me!

"LADYBUG" is moving around a LOT! She is kicking and rolling and all kinds of movement. I got nervous for a week because she really didn't move around a lot. I think maybe I over did it at work and just wasn't paying attention. I got the 4th off and when I was resting I felt her moving around A LOT! Ever since the 4th she has been a little tumbleweed.

I don't really miss anything right now. Oh wait, yes I do. I miss being cool. I have been HOTTTTT since a few weeks ago. NOTHING can cool me off. I turn the AC to 68 and love it.

Here's my new belly pic:

18 weeks

  Daddy Update:

Kale is doing great too. He's my other baby. He is happy. So very happy. Getting to see Ladybug again. Watching her move around, heart beat, and just seeing her profile. He will be happy when he gets to hold her in his arms!

He remains supportive and has given into all my food addictions lately.

Love him to death and he is tickled about us having a baby girl!

We love you all! The Shank Family

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