Thursday, July 7, 2011

My Sweet Potato - 18 weeks

18 Weeks and 5 Days

Baby Shank Update:

Went to our gender ultrasound appointment today! Baby Shank is doing great. Anatomy came back good. Baby has all 10 fingers and all 10 toes!!

Baby's heart rate was 140 BPM.

Baby is moving around like a little tubleweed!

And for the Announcement of Baby's gender:


We are thrilled that it's a girl.

When Kale and I went in for the ultrasound we thought o.k. we will know what it is right away. Well, the ultrasound tech looked twice and then did a complete anatomy of the baby before she would tell us what it was. I looked so hard but without my darn glasses I couldn't see anything. I kept saying, "It's a boy? Is it a boy?"
She said hold on. Up, it's a girl. I was like what? I was shocked. Kale has known for some reason and ever since we saw baby for the first time, he has called Baby Shank a she.

While we were boating on Lake Powell, Tache mentioned that Kristen ( kale's sister) should have a nickname for her baby again. Tache asked us what our's was. We had NO idea. We do now. Don't know where it came from or why. There is no reason really. But Baby Shank is no longer. We will now refer to Baby as "LADYBUG"

Here is a new picture of "LADYBUG"


Mommy Update:

Oh doing good. I have been working everyday and will continue to do so for the next couple months. Then it's vacation time for ME! I can't wait to be off work, relaxing, hitting that awesome "nesting" phase where I clean and prepare for LadyBug to arrive.

I have gained 2 more pounds! Grrr! That puts my total weight gain so far at around 11 pounds. I am wondering if I will make it to only gain my 25-30 pounds for pregnancy. I really need to start watching what I eat or hit the gym more often. I haven't gone in a week because of working so much.

Ahh Maternity clothes! They have now become my best friend. We are o.k. with eachother. LOVE THEM!

I am sleeping great lately except for lastnight. I decided to clean and scrub my kitchen. Pack Kale his lunch. Make him a pot of coffee and go to bed around um 11:00. Then got my little butt up with Kale at 2:30 (for him to go to work early) and started cleaning the bathroom while he was occupying it. Wow. I have NO idea what has gotten into me!

"LADYBUG" is moving around a LOT! She is kicking and rolling and all kinds of movement. I got nervous for a week because she really didn't move around a lot. I think maybe I over did it at work and just wasn't paying attention. I got the 4th off and when I was resting I felt her moving around A LOT! Ever since the 4th she has been a little tumbleweed.

I don't really miss anything right now. Oh wait, yes I do. I miss being cool. I have been HOTTTTT since a few weeks ago. NOTHING can cool me off. I turn the AC to 68 and love it.

Here's my new belly pic:

18 weeks

  Daddy Update:

Kale is doing great too. He's my other baby. He is happy. So very happy. Getting to see Ladybug again. Watching her move around, heart beat, and just seeing her profile. He will be happy when he gets to hold her in his arms!

He remains supportive and has given into all my food addictions lately.

Love him to death and he is tickled about us having a baby girl!

We love you all! The Shank Family

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