Your schedule is awesome. You sleep through the night. It doesn't matter if we go to bed at 8pm or 11pm. When WE go to bed YOU go to bed and you know when it's bedtime. Every once in a while you will fuss but not too often. I usually pick you up and snuggle for a bit then you are too quick to doze off to sleep.
We did put you in your own room ( co-sleeper of course ) at 6 weeks. But after careful consideration {meaning I was getting up every 5 minutes to check on you and not sleeping myself} we decided to put you back in our room. I feel much better when I can roll over and see you sleeping peacefully.
During the day you are great. You rarely fuss. You're usually happy wherever I put you. You like the floor, your boppy pillow, and your swing. Most of all you love when I am holding you. You sleep about half the day and all night.
*****{ FIRSTS }*****
February 4 - You went to your first hockey game. It was an Evansville Icemen home game. You were so good.
February 10 - You rolled over from your back to your stomach. It's usually the other way around but your are MY daughter :) You were sleeping in your own room still and around 5am you decided to start screaming. When daddy went into your room you were on your tummy. It looked as if you lost your binky and decided to roll so far left to get it you accidentally rolled over. We have seen you 'chase' your binky before but you never rolled over until this night. You haven't done this since.
February 26 - You laughed out loud. Mommy and daddy were watching t.v. I was mostly talking to you. All of a sudden in between all your silent smiles you chuckled. It was adorable.
February 26 - You saw your first movie in theaters. We went as a family to see Journey 2 in 3D. You had a bottle, some twizzlers and went to sleep. ( just kidding on the twizzlers)
Daddy told me not to steal all the good ones so I have ONE favorite thing this month that I absolutely can't get over. It's adorable. I even find myself putting my hand over my face speaking on your behalf! I absolutely love it when you sleep with your hand(s) on your face. You gently, as if you have figured out that you have sharp nails, put your hand on your face I guess to let us know how hard it is to be a baby! It's cute and it tickles me to death every time I see it.
{ Feb 23 } |
Well mommy still stole the best one because your exhausted look is adorable. You look just like mommy after a hard day's work. I have also been noticing more activity and awareness. You are either sleeping, eating, or checking out everything around you. That includes a lot more smiles and even a little giggle every now and then. I was also excited to see that you finally fit into your custom plaid POLO shoes Daddy bought for you. Ok there not custom but they are the coolest thing ever. Even though you don't like wearing them and kick them off at a moments notice.
{ Feb 25 } |
By the way Morgan...mommy did not dress you! I would never put you in plaid and print!! :) At least I hope I never do. ~ love mommy
*****{ WHAT WE MISS }*****
I miss my pregnancy with you( in a way). I finally got rid of all my maternity clothes this week. While folding them- they brought back a lot of good memories. My cute clothes, my preggo waddle, and daddy's smile each time we saw you on ultrasound. I just really wanted to cry! But at the same time was happy to get them all out of my closet!
~ mommy
I miss you only drinking 2 oz bottles
( its cheaper, less poopies, less burpies, less fussies, less laundry)
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT YOU }*****
Your stubborn! You are just stubborn! It's cute.
You know what your bottle is. You cry when you are hungry of course. When I approach you with your bottle, you make this sound I just can't describe. You are fake crying when you do this! If I tease you for too long (which I often do. I know it's sick!) you start screaming your head off. I'm usually buckled over laughing but I DO always get myself together as a mature adult should and give you your bottle :)
You attempt to hold your bottle during every feeding already. I am not quiet sure I am ready for this yet but it's cute!
{ Feb 27 } |
When we take your bottle you scream loudly. I usually laugh, burp you, and give you your binky. I just can't believe how loud you scream!
You smile A LOT! You are always my smiling little girl. And I absolutely love it. Mommy makes you smile more than daddy BUT your brothers have me beat all the way. If one of your brothers starts talking to are smiling more than I ever see!
You started using your boppy towards the end of this month. It's cute to see you in it. You usually squirm you way through the middle and get your head stuck in the opening. I just laugh and sit you back upright.
{ Feb 27 } |
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT MOMMY }*****
Mommy is good. I am just good. Have a great routine down with you, your brothers, and my daycare kiddos. We are all so good right now. Love this stage that you are in.
Still not wearing any of my clothes but hey it's totally time for new clothes anyway. I've lost all my weight from my pregnancy with you including a few extra pounds. {BUT little miss Morgan, my hips aren't back yet :)
*****{ A LITTLE ABOUT DADDY }*****
Daddy is better than ever. Work has been a little slower this month and while that hurts the pocket book it means more time with you, your brothers and your beautiful mother. Your mother and I are both getting used to having you around now and we are trying to pick up each others slack, (mommy picking up daddy's more than vise versa) knowing we are both exhausted at the end of every day. But all in all I am doing well and I can't wait to see what is around the next corner.
*****{ YOUR BIG BROTHERS }*****
They adore you more than anyone. They are protective! We took you to the Dr's this month for your well baby check. I knew you would get shots but they didn't. The minute the nurse came in with those needles - your brothers went into protective mode! They asked the nurse a million and one times if this was going to hurt you. Was this going to make you cry. Will this hurt you. Will this make you cry. If they were big enough to keep the nurse from giving you those shots they would have. Then the tears came. They cried like crazy over you! They were so heart-broken. It made me teary-eyed! I was a proud momma of two beautiful protective big brothers that day!
Before the nurse walked out the door - she said, "I would hate to see the day anyone tries to take their little sister on a date!"
Your a lucky little girl!
If I am taking photos of you...they move right in. No questions asked. They want to be front and center. They want all your attention. They also want all my attention. Your big brothers will purposely take hours to get their two chores complete because EVERY time they walk by you they stop, talk, hug, kiss and chit-chat with you. I will definitely let stuff like this slide.
Your brothers decided to get into an argument around 6am on who got to hold you first that morning. Yes, annoying to my ears but so darn cute at the same time! I got a picture of both of them kissing you at the same time. That was their only option.
Also this month Tyler was patting your tummy. You decided that you were going to pat your own head while he was patting your tummy. You are just so smart Morgan.
{ Feb 4 }
{ Feb 7 } |