Thursday, March 1, 2012

Morgan Update {2}

Well Miss Morgan is doing well. I wanted to update everyone quickly on her weight.

She went to see her pediatrician tonight and things are looking good.

Morgan weighed in at 9 lbs 5 oz!!!

Our little booger butt is gonna eat us out of our home.

She has gained 14 oz in just a week. That's nearly a pound!

Her doctor recommended putting her back on Enfamil Gentlease (her previous formula) for 1 week. Then we will go to weigh her again. If she continues to gain then whatever was going on has fixed itself. If she starts loosing weight again she will have to be switched back to the Enfamil Nutramigen until she is off formula. Either way it's fine. The Nutramigen happens to be the most expensive formula on the market today @ $35 a can. That's $10 more a can than the Gentlease. Each can gets her through maybe 5-6 days. She goes through it like crazy. But for a healthy baby I would rather pay the cost. I praise the Lord for being able to afford this as there are a lot of parents out there that can't. One reason the doctor recommended switching her back to see what happens. 

We have also been noticing that Morgan is outgrowing her newborn clothes quickly. I went to put a sleeper on Morgan today and it was about an inch too short for her arms (literally). She stands up and they get a little snug. So I finally get to sort through all of her clothes and say good-bye to her Newborn tags! This makes me very happy as I am bored with all of her outfits :)

She's got an entire 0-3 month wardrobe waiting... Yay Morgan :)

Thanks for all the prayers and emails! We sure are lucky to have you all.


The Shank Family

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