Friday, March 30, 2012

Shut Down Week

Remember this lady? Well She's back!

This week has been a mess. I have been a mess. Kale started shutdown out at the plant around the middle of last week. He's gone from around 5:30am until around 9pm. Usually he's home to help around 5pm. Not this week :(

On top of Kale being gone all day and most of the evening the boys are on spring break from school. Luckily I signed them up for Church Camp through church.

With Kale being gone I have been a wreck-less schedule breaking crazy lady! 

 I know this is a terrible thing to say but I never knew until this week how much he does help. 

We didn't hit up grocery store on our usual Sunday out as a family this last weekend. So I did the mid-week shopping alone with the 3 kids. WOW. Hitting up Walmart, Sams, and grocery store alone is definitely a challenge without Kale. But we got it done and the kids were actually pretty good.

I also got LOTS of smiles from other customers as I strolled by with one in a car seat, one walking, and where is Tyler? He is under the cart - laying down - riding along - singing a song I don't know. Ha. Love!

Daddy Kale is in charge of sports. Mom just goes to watch, take photos, and scream like a crazy lady. That's usually my end of the bargain.

Colten missed practice on Tuesday. I had a mom pick-up her kiddo late. Then after that I had to go and meet our new babysitter. She's also a member like me. That went very well. Then it was onto the rush home, cook, bathe, clean kitchen, do a load of laundry, baby duties and hit the sack.

On Wednesday Kale ended up going to Urgent Care. He's been sick all week. I missed my bible study group and the night just sort of went haywire. Taking care of kids and Kale. 

Yesterday I got a call from baseball. It was Tyler's coach saying he had practice at 5. It was around 4 that he called. I thought AHHHHHH! You have got to be kidding me! So I rushed and picked up boys from Church Camp. Took Tyler home. Got him dressed. Rushed to baseball field only to find out that none of the coaches out there was the one who called me. So we had a mysterious coach on our hands! 

After about 15 minutes of searching the 7 year old team coach took Tyler in. Tyler was playing with the "big dogs" And he did well. He was running around like the crazy Tyler we all know. Keeping up with the big kids. Playing just as well as the big kids. We stayed at practice for about an hour. After practice was over I heard Tyler's new coach yelling at someone. I look over and it's another coach  I didn't see when looking earlier. It was Tyler's coach. The one who called me. Phew! We found him! So that little stressful bit has been taken care of. I really felt out of the loop when asked the questions only Kale knows. I really felt stupid! But it all got taken care of.

Before the start of practice Tyler told me he didn't want to play. He doesn't like baseball. When we pulled up he grabbed his bag and literally started marching towards the baseball field. I was like wait a minute. 5 minutes ago he didn't want to play? So hopefully forcing him to go to practice did some good for him. I don't want him to play if he doesn't want to but sometimes it's better to make them try and find out they don't like it instead of letting them quit before they start.

Now for some pictures:

Tyler did excellent. He really enjoyed being in the field. I'm glad.

Colten also enjoyed being there. He was usually right by the fence talking to Tyler. I think Colten is starting to realize he is the older brother. He is the influence. He has responsibility. This is good.

Tonight is the end of Church Camp week for the boys. They are going to have a play for the parents followed by a spaghetti dinner. I really wish Kale could be there but I know he cannot. So I guess I will be taking a lot of pictures and when Kale gets home he will probably get an ear-full by the boys.

Interesting week and this reminds me of something I learned a while back from recovery group:

If God will bring you to it
He will get you through it

Believe me when I say I've been praying for PATIENCE!

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