Sunday, March 25, 2012

M's First Pair

Morgan has BLING!!

Last Saturday I decided to take Morgan shopping with me as I joined a girlfriend at the mall. We went to hit up some of these { in store } spring sales for our boys.

I had been talking to Kale for a while as far as his thoughts { along with mine } on getting our daughters ears pierced. The first time we talked it was a no go. I decided that I just couldn't bare to watch someone shoot an earring through my little loves ear.

Then a few weeks later I wanted to. My thoughts this time were :

 She will only cry for a minute.

If I wait to get this done by the time she's older it will only be worse. She could get scared and jerk causing harm to herself. There were many reasons to consider with waiting.

While in the mall we passed Claire's. I told my girlfriend that I should go ahead and get it done. I called Kale to tell him how much { ridiculous if you ask me } and to get his joint permission.

So here we are picking out earrings and placing little blue dots on her ears { where they would insert earring } and I couldn't handle it. I felt like a sissy! A really big sissy.

When the lady at Claire's pulled out the guns I freaked! I handed my daughter to Beth and went outside. I know! I wanted to cry! I heard Morgan cry. It was awful. I immediately felt like a terrible mom! Through the glass of the store I could barely see Morgans little legs dangling from my girlfriends lap. When I heard Morgan cry for the second time I saw her legs straighten out in front of her. I was so ashamed! { how could I! }

Then I went back into store and held Morgan. I hugged her so tight knowing I couldn't take it back.

Within minutes she was just fine and smiling away at me as usual.

The ' I'm a bad mom ' went away immediately and I was actually very excited to see these cute little earrings in my daughters ears. She looked like a cutie!

Not sure who was more traumatized Me or Morgan.

Well she's officially got bling. And more bling waiting for her. Her first pair of diamond earrings she received as a gift for Christmas. We have to wait 6 weeks before she can wear them.

Here's the happy mommy before the traumatic event pic

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